Discard is a personal mobile wallet that allows you to make payments conveniently at retail outlets domestically & overseas by scanning a QR Code.
In addition, you can earn Dishcard Rewards points for your digital wallet transactions.
For more information you can visit Discash web.
Used packages to create discash mobile with react native
- @react-native-community/async-storage
- @react-native-community/masked-view
- @react-navigation/bottom-tabs
- @react-navigation/native
- @react-navigation/stack
- axios
- react-native-elements
- react-native-fab
- react-native-loading-spinner-overlay
- react-native-qrcode-svg
- react-native-smooth-pincode-input
- react-native-splash-screen
- react-native-svg
- react-native-vector-icons
- react-redux
- redux
- redux-persist
- redux-promise-middleware