Final project of the Java Web Developer course by Coders Lab, a web application for Industrial machinery field service management. My objectives:
- solve real problems that I have encountered at job
- apply the knowledge from the course and expand it to include such topics as Spring Security
- communicate with external APIs
Companies providing service of industrial machines must include in the cost of their service the journey of the service technician from his place of residence to the customer. This is usually done manually by checking the distance e.g. in Google Maps. The application automates this process using Google Maps API. Having the customer's address and the serviceman's address in the database, while creating a service request the application automatically reads the distance, which will be used to issue the final invoice.
- Java
- Spring
- Google Maps API
- Spring Security
- Hibernate
- JSTL and JSP in front
The application is in the process of development, there is still a lot to be done. If you are interested in my project and have any suggestions, feel free to contact me.