A programatic script to run broken-link-checker on a site with minimal console logging. It's a bit slower then running broken-link-checker directly.
You can clone the repo, install the packages, and run the script to crawl a site looking for broken links. Make sure you have the following requirements installed: node (v12.22.12+) and yarn (v1.22.19+).
yarn install
Run the following to scan a site for its broken links.
yarn run -u <BASE_URL>
node ./scripts/blcReport.js -u <BASE_URL>
The url of the site to scan (required).
yarn run -u <BASE_URL>
Include the redirected urls (http code 308).
yarn run -u <BASE_URL> -r
Include the too many request urls (http code 429).
yarn run -u <BASE_URL> -t
Include the urls excluded by robot files.
yarn run -u <BASE_URL> -e