One Bottle is a web application that allows users to create and manage their own online store. It provides a user-friendly interface for managing categories, products, orders, customers and feedbacks/reviews. The application is built using .NET Core and C# in server-side, uses EF-Core for dealing with MSSQL database and React with Typescript for the front-end.*
- User authentication and authorization
- Categories management
- Product management
- Order management
- Customer management
- Admin dashboard
- User management
- Feedback and feedback management
- Shopping Cart
- In app notification
User {
Guid UserId PK
string Username
string Email
string Password
datetime DateOfBirth
boolean IsAgeVerified
UserProfile {
Guid ProfileId PK
string Username
string PhoneNumber
string Address
datetime DateOfBirth
string IdentificationType
int IdentificationNumber
Admin {
Guid AdminId PK
string Username
string Email
string Password
Product {
Guid ProductId PK
string Name
string Description
string Brand
decimal Price
int StockQuantity
string ImageUrl
decimal ABV
int Volume
int Rating
int AgeRestriction
datetime CreatedAt
datetime UpdatedAt
Guid CategoryId FK
Category {
Guid CategoryId PK
string Name
string Description
Cart {
Guid CartId PK
Guid UserId FK
Guid ProductId FK
int Quantity
Order {
Guid OrderId PK
Guid UserId FK
string ProductId
Guid ProductId1 FK
datetime OrderDate
string OrderStatus
decimal TotalPrice
string BillingAddress
string ShippingAddress
OrderItem {
Guid OrderItemId PK
Guid OrderId FK
Guid ProductId FK
int Quantity
decimal Price
Feedback {
Guid FeedbackId PK
Guid UserId FK
Guid ProductId FK
string Comment
int Rating
datetime Date
Notification {
Guid NotificationId PK
string NotificationTitle
string NotificationContent
int NotificationType
int NotificationContext
datetime NotificationDate
Guid UserId FK
User ||--o{ Cart : has
User ||--o{ Order : places
User ||--o{ Feedback : writes
Product ||--o{ Cart : contains
Product ||--o{ Feedback : receives
Product }|--|| Category : belongs_to
Order ||--|{ OrderItem : contains
Product ||--o{ OrderItem : included_in
Notification }o--|| User : sent_to
To get started with One Bottle, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
Using https:
git clone
or, Using ssh:
git clone [email protected]:kshetritej/OneBottle.git
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd OneBottle
- Restore NuGet packages:
cd server; dotnet restore
You need to setup your database first, the ConnectioString
is in appsettings.json
file. Change that according to your database.
Migrate the models with dotnet ef migrations add InitialMigration
and then apply the migrations with dotnet ef database update
- Build the project:
dotnet build
- Run the application:
dotnet run
- Setup Frontend
cd client/
7.Run Frontend
pnpm install && pnpm dev
For running frontend you need have have node
installed in your system and can also use npm
instead of pnpm
, for using pnpm
you will need to install it first.
This is a personal project I am not sure, would I be looking further into it or not. No contributions will reviewed or merged!
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.