40 commits
to main
since this release
🚀 Changelog
This release contains a number of enhancements and bug fixes. For a full list of changes
What's Changed
- ✨ New CLI UX by @dipankardas011 in #37
- 8c88f17 Update README.md
- f8f48d9 added a few changes
- 2f1b77e added a new spinner
- f946df7 added aws instance
- 0a43d68 added codeowners
- 4684684 added config based ksctl cli and some more advanced features
- 1e6b422 added cost for self-managed cluster in table format
- 3dd998c added create, list and delete cluster
- 3403bd8 added field etcdVersion to the ksctl Client Metadata
- 2910d46 added get, list, connect commands
- 7196aa3 added infra inputs for selfmanaged
- ec1763d added managed cluster support
- 00dada7 added metadata from userinput
- ccbb02e added scale up/down and version
- d2e8065 added the bootstrap version fields
- 336fc65 added the instance_type in selection
- 1d77d48 added the kubernetes version
- 9f7a77a added user input on managed cluster aks
- e6cc818 added version, scaleup/down, configure
- c2b36a8 added vm listing selection
- 9f6e52a bumped to [email protected]
- bfbf374 changed the color scheme for table output
- b6be58f changed the ksctl/v1 -> /v2
- e6ee0bb changes to the log table method
- b743c1c commands implementation
- 76e8f63 feat(az-meta): region as dropdown from sync metadata ksctl core
- ae539cf feat(cicd): added concurrency for sync docs
- b913f5d feat(configure): added the complete implementation
- fca49a9 fixed the ci
- 384879d fixed the ci workflows
- a714ce1 fixed the get cluster haproxy version
- 8d56227 fixed the logger verbosity
- 66e7333 improved the configure and create
- fbc7998 improved the logging from pterm pkg
- 5364c6b improved the verbosity flag
- 450b6e0 improvements in the menu driven approach
- 2821285 modified the github workflow
- c166a88 new ansi art for ksctl cli
- b39276f new color profile for cli logger
- 01ab6ec patch ci for docs sync
- 1193a00 patch: sync docs cicd
- e04b175 patched the cli
- f843f34 patched the delete and create summary
- 264c826 patched the outdated docs
- 29a443c some changes
- c9a0c25 started to make the development mode start
- ca56b04 sync docs workflow fix
- 4e5957d updated the cicd sync docs with workflow_dispatch
- 27b1045 updated the comment
- c40d06e updated the dependency
- b5ecfd2 updated the docs for cli
- 3ed40b4 updated the go releaser and version
- af00b63 updated the script for checking build process
- c508f1d updated the secret for github token
- 64b5702 updated the signing based chrore commits to sync docs
- dc81a5f updated the spinner for the logging
- 4ad8be7 updated the sync docs
- 2657380 updated the sync docs manifest
- 4387382 updated the sync docs workflow
- da432a8 updated the workflow
Released by GoReleaser.