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Checks running whenever new PR is created #95

Checks running whenever new PR is created

Checks running whenever new PR is created #95

name: PR Checks
run-name: Checks running whenever new PR is created
- dev
- main
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Checkout the Source code from the latest commit
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
fetch-depth: 0
# Installing NPM so that SFDX can be installed
- name: Installing NPM
run: |
npm install
# Installing SFDX CLI
- name: Installing SFDX CLI
run: |
npm install @salesforce/cli --global
# Creating new .key for .crt file stored in the Connected App
- name: Creating .key file
run: |
touch server.key
echo -e "${{ secrets.SF_CICD_SERVERKEY }}" >> server.key
# Authorizing to DevHub
- name: Authorizing the DevHub
run: sf org login jwt --json --alias DevHub --set-default --set-default-dev-hub --username "${{ secrets.SF_CICD_USERNAME }}" --keyfile /home/runner/work/game-force/game-force/server.key --clientid ${{ secrets.SF_CLIENT_SECRET }}
# Creating a Scratch Org using the pull request number
- name: Creating a Scratch Org
run: sf org create scratch --target-dev-hub DevHub --name build_${{ github.event.pull_request.number }} --definition-file config/project-scratch-def.json --set-default --duration-days 1
# Pushing source to the Scratch Org
- name: Pushing source and metadata to the Scratch Org
run: sf project deploy start
# Executing all unit tests
- name: Run unit tests
run: sf apex run test --wait 30 --test-level RunAllTestsInOrg --code-coverage