libraries for convenient programming controller myRIO for mobile robotics with using motors and sensors
read first lib MyRIO/robot
libraries for computer vision for any linux that recognize connectivity components of pixels by color
using Color-cone and Breadth-first search
read first lib MyRIO/vision
examples of work programs based on this code:
World Robot Olimpiad 2017
(code in branch WRO2017)
World Robot Olimpiad 2016
mobile robotics
for myRIO-1900(1950) controller from National Instruments
based on ARM Cortex-A9 and FPGA Zynq-7010
with linux realtime onboard
computer vision
for linux
need installed SDL2 and jpeglib
use usb-camera YUV 4:2:2 format
files by Krylov Georgii 2016-2017:
main, test_vision, button, display, jpeg, log, pins, robot, time, type, vision
files by National Instruments Corporation 2015:
AIO, ButtonIRQ, DIIRQ, DIO, Encoder, IRQConfigure, MyRio, MyRio1900, MyRio1950, NiFpga, NiFpga_MyRio1900Fpga30, NiFpga_MyRio1950Fpga30, PWM, libvisa, visa, visatype
[email protected]