cd microbe-metabolite-interaction/M2Interact
conda env create -f environment.yaml
pip install -r requirement.txt
Running test
Expected test output:
Ran 15 tests in 0.173s
OK (expected failures=2)
Steps for running TwinsUK data:
Microbiome data (CSV file with m1*n values):
- Data should be either relative abundance or absolute value with no NAN/infinity values
- Missing values should be recorded as 0
- Data should be a csv file with microbes as row and samples as column (Eg:
Metabolite data (CSV file with m2*n values):
- Data should be processed (cleaned, log-transformed) with no NAN/infinity values
- Rows should be metabolite and columns should be samples (Eg:
- Please run the code present in
- The data location need to be updated in the first box
- You should not change/update any other code blocks or files
- The code is in form of a python notebook, extension for running it has to be installed (Eg: Jupyter Notebook, IPY kernel in VS Code)
- The code also requires to install packages either which are present in requirement.txt/environment.yaml
Expected Output (On running succesfully this will be generated):
- Refer to the folder
- We will have distribution graphs of metabolite and 4 preprocessing on microbiome
- The result folder will have 4 threshold and each will have 8 separate csv files