Backtrace's integration with iOS, macOS and tvOS applications allows customers to capture and report handled and unhandled exceptions to their Backtrace instance, instantly offering the ability to prioritise and debug software errors.
Create the BacktraceClient
using init(credentials:)
initializer and then send error/exception just by calling method send
- Swift
import UIKit
import Backtrace
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
var window: UIWindow?
func application(_ application: UIApplication,
didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
let backtraceCredentials = BacktraceCredentials(endpoint: URL(string: "")!,
token: "token")
BacktraceClient.shared = try? BacktraceClient(credentials: backtraceCredentials)
do {
try throwingFunc()
} catch {
BacktraceClient.shared?.send { (result) in
return true
- Objective-C
#import "AppDelegate.h"
@import Backtrace;
@interface AppDelegate ()
@implementation AppDelegate
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
BacktraceCredentials *credentials = [[BacktraceCredentials alloc]
initWithEndpoint: [NSURL URLWithString: @""]
token: @"token"];
BacktraceClient.shared = [[BacktraceClient alloc] initWithCredentials: credentials error: nil];
// sending NSException
@try {
NSArray *array = @[];
NSObject *object = array[1]; // will throw exception
} @catch (NSException *exception) {
[[BacktraceClient shared] sendWithException: exception completion:^(BacktraceResult * _Nonnull result) {
NSLog(@"%@", result);
} @finally {
return YES;
- Light-weight client library written in Swift with full Objective-C support that quickly submits exceptions/errors and crashes to your Backtrace dashboard includes:
- system metadata,
- machine metadata,
- signal metadata,
- exception metadata,
- thread metadata,
- process metadata.
- Supports iOS, macOS and tvOS platforms.
- Swift first protocol-oriented framework.
To use CocoaPods just add this to your Podfile:
pod 'Backtrace'
Note: It is required to specify use_frameworks!
in your Podfile.
Initializing Backtrace client requires registration to Backtrace services. You can register to Backtrace services using provided submission url (see: What is a submission url?) and token (see: What is a submission token?). These credentials you can supply using BacktraceCredentials
- Swift
let backtraceCredentials = BacktraceCredentials(endpoint: URL(string: "")!, token: "token")
BacktraceClient.shared = try? BacktraceClient(credentials: backtraceCredentials)
- Objective-C
BacktraceCredentials *backtraceCredentials = [[BacktraceCredentials alloc]
initWithEndpoint: [NSURL URLWithString: @""]
token: @"token"];
BacktraceClient.shared = [[BacktraceClient alloc] initWithCredentials: backtraceCredentials error: error];
Additionally, the BacktraceCredentials
object can be initialized using provided URL containing universe
and token
- Swift
let backtraceCredentials = BacktraceCredentials(submissionUrl: URL(string: "{universe}/{token}/plcrash")!)
- Objective-C
BacktraceCredentials *backtraceCredentials = [[BacktraceCredentials alloc] initWithSubmissionUrl: [NSURL URLWithString: @"{universe}/{token}/plcrash"]];
For more advanced usage of BacktraceClient
, you can supply BacktraceClientConfiguration
as a parameter. See the following example:
- Swift
let backtraceCredentials = BacktraceCredentials(endpoint: URL(string: "")!, token: "token")
let configuration = BacktraceClientConfiguration(credentials: backtraceCredentials,
dbSettings: BacktraceDatabaseSettings(),
reportsPerMin: 10,
allowsAttachingDebugger: false)
BacktraceClient.shared = try? BacktraceClient(configuration: configuration)
- Objective-C
BacktraceCredentials *credentials = [[BacktraceCredentials alloc]
initWithEndpoint: [NSURL URLWithString: @""]
token: @"token"];
BacktraceClientConfiguration *configuration = [[BacktraceClientConfiguration alloc]
initWithCredentials: credentials
dbSettings: [[BacktraceDatabaseSettings alloc] init]
reportsPerMin: 3
allowsAttachingDebugger: NO];
BacktraceClient.shared = [[BacktraceClient alloc] initWithConfiguration: configuration error: nil];
Note: Backtrace library will not send any reports if the allowsAttachingDebugger
flag is set to false
BacktraceClient allows you to customize the initialization of BacktraceDatabase for local storage of error reports by supplying a BacktraceDatabaseSettings parameter, as follows:
- Swift
let backtraceCredentials = BacktraceCredentials(endpoint: URL(string: "")!, token: "token")
let backtraceDatabaseSettings = BacktraceDatabaseSettings()
backtraceDatabaseSettings.maxRecordCount = 1000
backtraceDatabaseSettings.maxDatabaseSize = 10
backtraceDatabaseSettings.retryInterval = 5
backtraceDatabaseSettings.retryLimit = 3
backtraceDatabaseSettings.retryBehaviour = RetryBehaviour.interval
backtraceDatabaseSettings.retryOrder = RetryOder.queue
let backtraceConfiguration = BacktraceClientConfiguration(credentials: backtraceCredentials,
dbSettings: backtraceDatabaseSettings,
reportsPerMin: 10)
BacktraceClient.shared = try? BacktraceClient(configuration: backtraceConfiguration)
- Objective-C
BacktraceCredentials *credentials = [[BacktraceCredentials alloc]
initWithEndpoint: [NSURL URLWithString: @""]
token: @"token"];
BacktraceDatabaseSettings *backtraceDatabaseSettings = [[BacktraceDatabaseSettings alloc] init];
backtraceDatabaseSettings.maxRecordCount = 1000;
backtraceDatabaseSettings.maxDatabaseSize = 10;
backtraceDatabaseSettings.retryInterval = 5;
backtraceDatabaseSettings.retryLimit = 3;
backtraceDatabaseSettings.retryBehaviour = RetryBehaviourInterval;
backtraceDatabaseSettings.retryOrder = RetryOderStack;
BacktraceClientConfiguration *configuration = [[BacktraceClientConfiguration alloc]
initWithCredentials: credentials
dbSettings: backtraceDatabaseSettings
reportsPerMin: 3
allowsAttachingDebugger: NO];
BacktraceClient.shared = [[BacktraceClient alloc] initWithConfiguration: configuration error: nil];
allows you to subscribe for events produced before and after sending each report. You have to only attach object which confirm to BacktraceClientDelegate
- Swift
// assign `self` or any other object as a `BacktraceClientDelegate`
BacktraceClient.shared?.delegate = self
// handle events
func willSend(_ report: BacktraceCrashReport) -> (BacktraceCrashReport)
func willSendRequest(_ request: URLRequest) -> URLRequest
func serverDidFail(_ error: Error)
func serverDidRespond(_ result: BacktraceResult)
func didReachLimit(_ result: BacktraceResult)
- Objective-C
// assign `self` or any other object as a `BacktraceClientDelegate`
BacktraceClient.shared.delegate = self;
//handle events
- (BacktraceReport *) willSend: (BacktraceReport *)report;
- (void) serverDidFail: (NSError *)error;
- (void) serverDidRespond: (BacktraceResult *)result;
- (NSURLRequest *) willSendRequest: (NSURLRequest *)request;
- (void) didReachLimit: (BacktraceResult *)result;
Attaching BacktraceClientDelegate
allows you to e.g. modify report before send:
- Swift
func willSend(_ report: BacktraceReport) -> (BacktraceReport) {
report.attributes["added"] = "just before send"
return report
- Objctive-C
- (BacktraceReport *)willSend:(BacktraceReport *)report {
NSMutableDictionary *dict = [report.attributes mutableCopy];
[dict setObject: @"just before send" forKey: @"added"];
report.attributes = dict;
return report;
You can add custom attributes that should be send alongside crash and errors/exceptions:
- Swift
BacktraceClient.shared?.attributes = ["foo": "bar", "testing": true]
- Objective-C
BacktraceClient.shared.attributes = @{@"foo": @"bar", @"testing": YES};
Set attributes are attached to each report. You can specify unique set of attributes for specific report in willSend(_:)
method of BacktraceClientDelegate
. See events handling for more information.
For each report you can attach files by supplying an array of file paths.
- Swift
let filePath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "test", ofType: "txt")!
BacktraceClient.shared?.send(attachmentPaths: [filePath]) { (result) in
- Objectice-C
NSArray *paths = @[[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource: @"test" ofType: @"txt"]];
[[BacktraceClient shared] sendWithAttachmentPaths:paths completion:^(BacktraceResult * _Nonnull result) {
NSLog(@"%@", result);
Supplied files are attached for each report. You can specify unique set of files for specific report in willSend(_:)
method of BacktraceClientDelegate
. See events handling for more information.
Registered BacktraceClient
will be able to send a crash reports. Error report is automatically generated based.
- Swift
@objc func send(completion: ((BacktraceResult) -> Void))
- Objective-C
- (void) sendWithCompletion: (void (^)(BacktraceResult * _Nonnull)) completion;
- Swift
@objc func send(exception: NSException, completion: ((BacktraceResult) -> Void))
- Objective-C
- (void) sendWithException: NSException completion: (void (^)(BacktraceResult * _Nonnull)) completion;
If you want to catch additional exceptions on macOS which are not forwarded by macOS runtime, set NSPrincipalClass
to Backtrace.BacktraceCrashExceptionApplication
in your Info.plist
Alternatively, you can set:
- Swift
UserDefaults.standard.register(defaults: ["NSApplicationCrashOnExceptions": true])
- Objective-C
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] registerDefaults:@{ @"NSApplicationCrashOnExceptions": @YES }];
but it crashes your app if you don't use @try ... @catch
Make sure your project is configured to generate the debug symbols:
- Go to your project target's build settings:
YourTarget -> Build Settings
. - Search for
Debug Information Format
. - Select
DWARF with dSYM File
- Build the project.
- Build products and dSYMs are placed into the
directory. - Zip all the
files and upload to Backtrace services (see: Symbolification)
- Archive the project.
- dSYMs are placed inside of an
of your project. - Open Xcode -> Window -> Organizer
- Click on archive and select
Show in Finder
- Click on
Show Package Contents
- Search for
directory - Zip all the
files and upload to Backtrace services (see: Symbolification)