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Label Overlay Montage

Allen Lee edited this page Aug 26, 2019 · 5 revisions

The Label Overlay Montage (available under the Label> menu) superposes all labeled frames in your project, giving you a global view of the pose distribution of labels in your project. With all labeled frames superposed, outliers or mislabeled frames can be readily identified.

Left-clicking the overlay plot singles out and selects one particular pose or labeled frame. Details of the selection are shown in the title of the plot. Right-clicking enables navigation within APT to this frame, as well as adjusting the marker sizes used in the plot.

For projects that contain trajectories (trx), multiple overlay plots are available:

  • The non-trx-centered option overlays all labels in the full movie frame, regardless of the trx location associated with each frame. This plot is less useful for visualizing the pose configuration distribution, but can be used to look at the spatial distribution within the movie frame of where targets have been labeled.
  • When the (trx centered) option is selected, three plots are made:
    1. Shapes/poses are centered so that their trx center is located at the center of the plot. Shapes are not rotationally aligned.
    2. Shapes/poses are centered in the plot, and rotationally aligned using their iHead/iTail landmarks as defined in Tracking Parameters> CPR> Rotational Invariance> Head landmark and Tail landmark. Shapes are aligned so that the iTail->iHead vector is aligned along the x-axis.
    3. Shapes/poses are centered in the plot, and rotationally aligned using trx.theta. This plot can be useful for finding frames where trx.theta is incorrect or inconsistent with the target orientation implied by labels.