This container is a CUDA enabled build of ethereum-mining/ethminer. It tracks the head of the master branch at build time. I used the guidance provided in the of the repository to put this image together.
If you're using this container image, tips in eth are appreciated!
To minimize the complexity of pulling in the required dependencies and minimizing the size of the image, I use the nvidia/cuda devel image to build the ethminer binary. In the second stage, I copy the build artifacts to a new image dependent on nvidia/cuda runtime.
The entrypoint for the final image is /opt/ethminer/ethminer.
This provides the ability to pass arguments at container execution time. For example:
$ docker run --gpus all -it kriation/ethminer:latest --list-devices
ethminer 0.19.0+commit.47ae149e
Build: linux/release/gnu
Id Pci Id Type Name CUDA SM Total Memory
--- --------- ---- ----------------------------- ---- --- ------------
0 01:00.0 Gpu GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER Yes 7.5 1.52 GB
The prerequisite to using this image is that the NVIDIA container toolkit is configured properly on the container host. The documentation from NVIDIA on setting the toolkit up is straightforward.
For those interested in building a custom image that isn't available in Docker Hub, you can pass a build argument of CUDA_VERSION set to any of the tags listed in the CUDA Supported Tags documentation.
An example is below:
$ docker build --build-arg CUDA_VERSION=10.0 -t kriation/ethminer:10.0 .
The resulting image will be based off of the CUDA 10.0 base.