This is minimum microservice for GRPC with gacha architecture.
- Client sends some cards data
- Server receive cards and response lottery one
- Client get a card and output card name
- grpc
- Protocol Buffer 3
- Ruby
- Ruby 2 or higher
- Golang
- Go 1.5 or higher
- Ruby
- grpc-tools (install with gem)
- Golang
- proto-gen-go
- Ruby
- grpc_tools_ruby_protoc -I proto --ruby_out=lib --grpc_out=lib proto/gacha.proto
- Golang
- protoc -I proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:lib/gacha proto/gacha.proto
You can chose one script each of them ex) server: Golang, client: Ruby is correct
- run server
- run client
- Server
- Ruby
ruby server/server.rb
- Golang
go run server/server.go
- Ruby
- Client
- Ruby
ruby client/client.rb
- Golang
go run client/client.go
- Ruby