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Tags: kostub/iosMath



v0.9.5 (2019-06-03)

* Add colorbox command (#121)
* Cyrillic support (#108)
* When there is only one element in row, an array error is reported. (#111)
* Fix: on macOS 10.13, NSSegmentItemImageView returns nil for layer.backgroundColor. Need to check for this and return a default color (clear)
* Added textrm (#61)


Release 0.9.4

* Support for color (\\textcolor) (Thanks to Markus)
* Fix issue with cramped style in tables (Thanks to Jacob)


* Support for changing font styles: (\mathrm, \mathcal, \mathbf etc.)

* Support for the \text command.
* Fix issue with \$ not being rendered correctly.
* Support for \limits and \nolimits


* Support for MacOS (Thanks to AnZhg)

* Better AutoLayout support (Thanks to zhubofei)
* Support for custom defined commands.
* Bug fixes for error label.
* Removing error logging (Thanks to saagarjha)
* API changes:
  * Replace `padding` fields with `contentInsets` in `MTMathUILabel`.


* Support for constructing arbitrarily tall delimiters and radicals.

* Fix placement of limits on large operators for the XITS font.
* Allow MTMathUILabel to be used in the interface builder.


* Added support for matrix environments (matrix, pmatrix, bmatrix,

  Bmatrix, vmatrix, Vmatrix)
* Added support for equation alignment (eqalign, displaylines, gather,
  split, aligned, eqnarray)
* Added support for the \\ command to split long equations
* Added support for math accents (e.g. \hat, \tilde etc.)
* Added support for cases environment.
* Added support for style commands (e.g. \displaystyle etc.)
* Improve rendering of square roots and large symbols
* API changes:
  * Updated API for MTMathAtomFactory.
  * Rename MTLargeGlyphDisplay to MTGlyphDisplay


* Fix crash for \epsilon and \varrho

* Add commands: \mho, \angstrom and \AA


* Add `textColor` field to `MTMathUILabel` to set the color of the

  rendered equation.
* Fixed issue with height of tall radicals set incorrectly.


* Support for overline and underline

* Support for math spacing


Added support for binomials.

The following commands are now supported:
- \over
- \atop
- \choose
- \brace
- \brack
- \binom