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This app is an example of how can look backend/frontend architecture of account management app. This is a demo app, it's not a production ready solution. However, this can be used as a template and as a demonstration of some architectural concepts.


The backend is basic json API service written in Typescript. It does use MongoDb as a storage solution, the communication/interaction is based on Mongoose ORM; As an API framework it was used Koa, as the best simple alternative to express; Through service there are demonstrated usage of some cross-cutting concerns, such as logging (pino), performance-monitoring (newrelic); Service built having in mind layer architecture (application, api, business and dataAccess layers) and Dependency Injection (Awilix as container)

There are next available API endpoints

  • GET - /api/v1/account - retrieves the current logged in account or 401
  • POST - /api/v1/account/login - log in the user based on email/password (passport lib used under the hood, sessions handled in-memory);
  • POST - /api/v1/account/logout - log out for the current user;
  • POST - /api/v1/account - register user (provide name, surname, email, city, postalCode, phone, password within body);
  • PATCH /api/v1/account - updates currently logged in user. (provide name, surname, email, city, postalCode, phone, oldPassword, newPassword within body)
  • DELETE /api/v1/account - removes currently logged in user

For all pre-processing validations of requests @hapi/joi is used. Details of endpoints logic can be found in src/service/api/v1/ folder.

P.S. Forgot to implement graceful shutdown - at some point will add it.


The frontend build using create-react-app as the best available template of configuration; As a state manager I have used redux + redux-thunk + redux-promise-middleware. All actions done in the application are going through redux; Any data required in components - is provided by redux connectors; The component usually consist of jsx definition, scss styles and index.js file for providing necessary high-level behavior; The css architecture is BEM.

The application architecture is represented with components hierarchy.

  1. Layout - highest in components hierarchy, represents some common app behavior and helps group app pages. Potentially can use each other. In this app there are 3 layouts - Master, Public, Dashboard.
  2. Page - represent 1 page of the web-app, responsible about handling page state / url address and control underlying components;
  3. Component - any other components required to provide business logic / view representation of the app


To ensure quality of the project, next tools are used:

  • eslint. The config for backend is default ts/eslint recommended. For frontend - default react-app + airbnb standard.
  • prettier. The config is default and integrated with eslint
  • husky / lint-staged. Git hooks used to run linting on commits, and run tests + building on the push.

How to Run

##Local machine run

  • install and run mongo
  • Backend. Set correct .env (you can use .env.example), run command: npm install && npm run start:ts
  • Frontend. Set correct .env (you can use .env.example), run command: npm install && npm run start

##Docker / Docker-Compose

Docker environment trying to represent production-like environment and works with compiled code.

  1. Setup service configuration if necessary using docker-compose.yml. By default - port 3333 for the backend and 8000 for the frontend.
  2. Run docker-compose up
  3. It might take some time... When you see "Application initialization finished" - most likely it's ready.
  4. The app should be available on the localhost:8000

To change address/ports - go to docker-compose.yml file.

The REACT_APP_ACCOUNT_API should reflect the address of the backend The FRONTEND_URL should reflect the address of the frontend

      context: "./frontend-example"
        - REACT_APP_ACCOUNT_API=http://localhost:3333
      - "8000"
      - "8000:80/tcp"

    build: "./backend-example"
      - FRONTEND_URL=http://localhost:8000
      - "3333"
      - "3333:3333/tcp"