PLCBus-Ruby is a simple script that can be executed from the command line to control PLCBus devices. It should work with either version of the PLCBus USB controller (1141 or 1141+). I have not tested it with the serial controller.
The commands can be sent directly from the command line, with no need to run the script as a server.
Before using the script, it will be necessary to edit lines 14 and 15 in order to set the script up for your controller and user code.
Usage: ruby plcbus.rb -d <device> -c <command> -d1 [data1] -d2 [data2]
-d, --device DEVICE The device to send the command to
-c, --command COMMAND The command to send to the device
--data1 DATA1 The optional data1 parameter
--data2 DATA2 The optional data2 parameter
-h, --help Display this screen