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Martin Maney edited this page Apr 19, 2020 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the sewer wiki!

This is currently discussion about sewer internals - the existing user documentation for is still just the notes on the sewer home page and's internal help.

I (mmaney, clone plus proposed and experimental changes over here have been working on some additions and changes to sewer since the last cert renewal when I found LE's staging was no longer working with sewer. As often happens when you're diving deep into code you've only skimmed before, I've found a lot of little things, as well as some existing bugs that might be helped by some of the changes. I expect this page will end up being refactored topically, but one step at a time.

Roadmaps, Plans, Dreams used to be most of this page, now shuffled off to its own place. Some updated statuses.

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