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This is a repository made to track my progress on my Ph.D. project. The aim of the project is to produce a reliable program that simulates the affects of an organic molecule on the plasmonic response of a nanoparticle.

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PlasMol: Plasmon-Molecule Interaction Simulation

PlasMol is a Python-based simulation framework that combines classical and quantum mechanics methods to model the interaction between plasmonic nanoparticles and molecules. It calculates the induced dipole moment of a molecule subjected to an electric field generated by a plasmonic nanoparticle using a combination of time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) and finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) methods.

⚠️ This README is not currently accurate but I'm keeping it here for future use.

Key Features

  • Coupled QM and Meep Simulation: Combines quantum mechanical calculations (currently using PySCF and RK4) with electromagnetic simulations (Meep) for a comprehensive analysis of plasmon-molecule interactions.
  • Support for Different Source Types: Allows for the use of continuous, Gaussian, and chirped sources.
  • Configurable Simulation Parameters: Offers flexibility in setting various simulation parameters such as cell size, resolution, and runtime.
  • Output Generation: Produces CSV files with the electric and polarization fields and image files visualizing the electric field during the simulation, as well as creating a GIF animation of the simulation's evolution.

Technologies Used

  • Python: The primary programming language.
  • PySCF: A Python-based quantum chemistry package for electronic structure calculations.
  • Meep: An open-source software package for electromagnetic simulations using the FDTD method from MIT.
  • NumPy: For numerical computations.
  • Pandas: For data manipulation and analysis.
  • Matplotlib: For creating visualizations.
  • Pillow (PIL): For image manipulation and GIF creation.


Before running PlasMol, ensure you have the following installed:

  • Python 3.7 or higher: PlasMol is compatible with Python 3.7 and later.
  • PySCF: Install using pip install pyscf. You may need to install additional dependencies for PySCF depending on your chosen method. Check PySCF's documentation for details.
  • Meep: Install according to the instructions on the Meep website ( Ensure Meep's python bindings are correctly configured.
  • NumPy: Install using pip install numpy.
  • Pandas: Install using pip install pandas.
  • Matplotlib: Install using pip install matplotlib.
  • Pillow: Install using pip install Pillow.

Note: The script assumes you have a SLURM cluster environment set up, along with the necessary modules for meep and python. Adjust paths to match your specific setup.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone <repository_url>
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd <project_directory>
  3. Install dependencies (if using pip):

    pip install -r requirements.txt  

    Note that this project does not contain a requirements.txt file. You should manually install the prerequisites listed above.

  4. Configure PySCF: The code uses PySCF. For example, you might need to modify /Users/bldrdge1/.conda/envs/meep/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pyscf/ to set B3LYP_WITH_VWN5 = True (as noted in the code). This path will be different on your system.

  5. Prepare Input Files: You'll need two main input files: a Meep input file (.in) and a molecule input file (e.g., The script can help with generating a Meep input file based on a template. The molecule file needs to be in the format expected by PySCF, usually a string defining atoms and coordinates, or a pathway to an existing geometry file in a format that PySCF supports.


The main script is To run the simulation:

python bohr/ -m <path_to_meep_input_file> -b <path_to_molecule_input_file> [-l <log_file_name>] [-v]
  • -m or --meep: Path to the Meep input file (required).
  • -b or --bohr: Path to the Bohr input file (required). The example uses
  • -l or --log: Name of the log file (optional).
  • -v: Verbose mode (optional, add more -v flags for increased verbosity. -vv is equivalent to -v -v).

The script helps generate a Meep input file. Run it to be guided through the necessary inputs.

Example content (moleculeFiles/ This file needs to define the molecule's geometry and other relevant parameters for PySCF. The example shows a template; fill it accordingly.

Example content (moleculeFiles/ This file defines simulation parameters, source characteristics and output settings. The example shows a template, use the script to generate an appropriate file.


Meep Input File (.in)

The Meep input file uses sections to define different parameters:

  • source section: Specifies the type (continuous, gaussian, chirped), parameters (wavelength, frequency, width, etc.) and placement of the light source. See for details.
  • molecule section: Defines the molecule's geometry (coordinates and atoms), parameters for PySCF calculations, and response directions.
  • simulation section: Specifies simulation parameters like resolution, cell length, PML thickness, total simulation time, and symmetry conditions.
  • outputPNG section: (Optional) Defines parameters for creating PNG images during the simulation, including the frequency of image generation, intensity range, and the output directory name.
  • matplotlib section: (Optional) Specifies parameters to generate graphs using matplotlib. The 'output' value in the matplotlib section will be used to create the filename.

Bohr Input File (

This file contains information about the molecule itself, specifically parameters for PySCF calculations such as:

  • charge: Molecular charge.
  • spin: Spin multiplicity.
  • basis: Basis set to use (e.g., 6-31g).
  • method: The computational method for TDDFT (e.g., rttddft).
  • resplimit: Cutoff for induced dipole response magnitude. The simulation will not run the Bohr calculation for dipole moments with magnitudes smaller than this value.
  • Other PySCF options.

Project Structure

├── basis/          # Directory containing basis sets for PySCF.
│   ├── modbas.2c    
│   ├── modbas.4c
│   ├── sapporo-dkh3-dzp-2012-diffuse
│   └── ...
├──         # Contains the main Bohr dipole moment calculation functions.
├──       # Main script to run the simulation.
├──          # Functions for creating GIF animations.
├──      # Sets up and runs the Meep simulation.
├──  # Contains the `Simulation` class.
├──      # Defines source classes (ContinuousSource, GaussianSource, ChirpedSource).
└── ...
├── # Template Meep input file.
├── # Template molecule input file.
└── molecule-template.mos # Template of molecule guess_mos file
.gitignore         # Git ignore file # Script for creating Meep input files.


(No contributing guidelines found in the provided codebase.)


(No license information found in the provided codebase.)

Error Messages

  • ValueError: Must provide either timeLength or totalTime with proper unit. Neither found.: You must specify either timeLength or totalTime in your Meep input file's simulation section.
  • ValueError: Unsupported source type: <source_type>: The specified source_type in your Meep input file is not supported.
  • ValueError: Unsupported material type: <material>: The material specified in the object section of the Meep input file is not defined in mp.materials.
  • ValueError: Directions should be x, y, and/or z separated by spaces '<value>': The directionCalculation parameters in the Meep and molecule input files should contain only 'x', 'y', and 'z' values separated by spaces.
  • ValueError: If you want to generate pictures, you must provide timestepsBetween, intensityMin, and intensityMax.: You must define the timestepsBetween, intensityMin, and intensityMax values in the outputPNG section of your Meep input file.
  • Other PySCF Errors: You may encounter errors related to PySCF calculations if your molecule input file is improperly formatted or the chosen computational method has problems. Refer to PySCF's documentation for troubleshooting.
  • Meep Errors: Meep may generate various errors if simulation parameters are incorrect. Consult Meep's documentation to resolve these.


This is a repository made to track my progress on my Ph.D. project. The aim of the project is to produce a reliable program that simulates the affects of an organic molecule on the plasmonic response of a nanoparticle.






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