This a user friendly website that allowing customers to order thier meails (organic/non-GMO foods) from their comfort zones and receiving their orders on time.
Developed by Kojwang E.B Ochieng
This a user friendly website that allows customers to order thier meails are their comfot zones. The website provides an up-to-date live tracking of orders initiated by the customers and their delivery. This website offers the customers the flexibility aspect where they save time used for visiting our Burger-palace store physically. Consequently, with the new COVID-19 measures, this website limits human interactions in eateries thus safeguarding the health and safety of our customers.
- a phone/computer/tablet/ipad
- An internet
please click on the link to view my website:
no known bugs
*HTML-for structuring the pages *CSS- used for styling the pages
*Reach me through email: [email protected]
*{Permission granted, free to any individual who would want to get a copy of this software and its document files.{year2021} {Kojwang Elibora ochieng}