MicroPinner is a lightweight dialog-only application, that turns your statusbar into a pingboard. (You can basically create your own notifications) You can customize the notifications title and content, as well as its priority and visibility (Works on Android 5+ only).

The application itself
- consumes no memory in the background (no background-services, no background-processes)
- has no impact on your battery as it uses only native functions of Android
- is compatible down to Android 4.1 Jelly Bean (sdk16)
- weights less than 850kb (Version v2.0.1)
- is fully open source!
Design & UI
- MicroPinner follows the official Material Design guidelines for dialogs.
- You can customize the notifications title and content text, as well as its system wide priority (choose between normal, minimal, low and high) and visibility (choose between public, private and secret) if you're running Android Lollipop and up.
- Created pins are restored on reboot. Delete them by simply swiping it away.
View the CHANGELOG.md.
Please check the FAQ first. For questions or bugs, check the Issues-section of this repository.
This project is developed using JetBrain's latest IntelliJ IDEA and the latest Gradle-wrapper.
To compile MicroPinner, simply import this project into Android Studio or IntelliJ IDEA and press the build-button. You may need to sign the built apk. Read the official documentation about signing applications for a how-to.
Copyright (c) 2015 Lukas 'dotwee' Wolfsteiner The source-code of MicroPinner is licensed under the Do What The Fuck You Want To public license.