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Astro Tailwind Alpine JS

Helix is a high-performance general-purpose programming language that seamlessly integrates with C++, Rust, and Python. Build robust, efficient, and maintainable applications with Helix.

This project is a modified version of the template Astros Make sure to check it out as well!


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🧪 Test

On the folder run

  1. bun install (or yarn or pnpm i)
  2. bun run dev (or yarn dev or pnpm dev)

(if it's not working report an issue)


You can check the deploy documentation at

🧞 Dependencies

Helix-site depends on the following packages:

Dependency Version
@astrojs/mdx ^0.19.7
@astrojs/rss ^2.4.3
@astrojs/sitemap ^1.3.3
@astrojs/tailwind ^3.1.3
@fontsource-variable/inter ^5.0.2
astro ^2.6.1
astro-i18next ^1.0.0-beta.21
astro-icon ^0.8.1
astro-seo ^0.7.4
bad-words ^3.0.4
dotenv ^16.1.4
openai ^3.2.1
rehype-autolink-headings ^6.1.1
rehype-slug ^5.1.0
rss-parser ^3.13.0
tailwindcss ^3.3.2

Known issues

  • Localization is not detected automatically