Scrape UTD Website for Courses
- Leads to 'fact-sheets' of 143 degrees
- Store all links, tag="td" class="loc"
- Go to each link, on each link do the following first:
- Find catalog page: tag="a" href=True
- a['href'] will return the link string
- Store the a['href'] string into a textfile, then add a new line
- Find catalog page: tag="a" href=True
- Now with all href links, open it then start scraping each link:
- Scrape all things with class xind-0 to xind-6
- Scrape h2 tag with class="xind-1" -> this is the name of the degree
- Add all of this to a textfile, with the name being the h2 tagged degree
NOTES / DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO: - How do I store these text files? Should I just store them as txt