pLM-BLAST is a sensitive remote homology detection tool that is based on the comparison of residue embeddings obtained from the protein language model ProtTrans5. It is available as a standalone package as well as an easy-to-use web server within the MPI Bioinformatics Toolkit, where several precomputed databases (e.g., ECOD, InterPro, and PDB) can be searched.
Note: the method is being actively developed, please expect soon new features, such as speed improvement, global alignment, and others.
For the local use, use the requirements.txt
file or environment.yml
to create a new conda environment.
pip install -r requirements.txt
conda env create -f environment.yml
Alternatively, the packages listed below can be installed manually:
Pre-calculated databases can be downloaded from To create a custom database, use
script: -embedder pt -cname column_name database.csv database.pt_emb.p --gpu
is an index file defining sequences and their descriptions. For example, the first lines of the ECOD database index are:
0,ECOD_000151743_e4aybQ1,"ECOD_000151743_e4aybQ1 | 4146.1.1.2 | 4AYB Q:33-82 | A: alpha bundles, X: NO_X_NAME, H: NO_H_NAME, T: YqgQ-like, F: RNA_pol_Rpo13 | Protein: DNA-DIRECTED RNA POLYMERASE",FPKLSIQDIELLMKNTEIWDNLLNGKISVDEAKRLFEDNYKDYEKRDSRR
1,ECOD_000399743_e3nmdE1,"ECOD_000399743_e3nmdE1 | 5027.1.1.3 | 3NMD E:3-53 | A: extended segments, X: NO_X_NAME, H: NO_H_NAME, T: Preprotein translocase SecE subunit, F: DD_cGKI-beta | Protein: cGMP Dependent PRotein Kinase",LRDLQYALQEKIEELRQRDALIDELELELDQKDELIQMLQNELDKYRSVI
2,ECOD_002164660_e6atuF1,"ECOD_002164660_e6atuF1 | 927.1.1.1 | 6ATU F:8-57 | A: few secondary structure elements, X: NO_X_NAME, H: NO_H_NAME, T: Elafin-like, F: WAP | Protein: Elafin",PVSTKPGSCPIILIRCAMLNPPNRCLKDTDCPGIKKCCEGSCGMACFVPQ
Index can be generated from a FASTA file using scripts/
Use -cname
to specify in which column of the database.csv
file sequences are stored
The resulting embeddings will be stored in database.pt_emb.p
Usage of --gpu
is highly recommended (cpu calculations are orders of magnitude slower)
To search a pre-calculated or custom database, follow scripts/
import torch
import alntools as aln
from alntools.base import Extractor
import pandas as pd
# load the embedding; for the embedding calculation, refer to `scripts/`
emb_file = './scripts/output/A9A4Y8.pt_emb.p'
embs = torch.load(emb_file)
# a self-comparison will be performed
seq1_emb, seq2_emb = embs[0], embs[0]
# calculate embedding similarity aka substitution matrix
densitymap = aln.density.embedding_similarity(seq1_emb, seq2_emb)
# convert to numpy array
densitymap = densitymap.cpu().numpy()
# find all alignment possible paths (traceback from borders)
paths = aln.alignment.gather_all_paths(densitymap)
# score those paths
results = aln.prepare.search_paths(densitymap, paths=paths, as_df=True)
# remove redundant hits
results = aln.postprocess.filter_result_dataframe(results)
If you find the pLM-BLAST
useful, please cite the preprint:
"pLM-BLAST – distant homology detection based on direct comparison of sequence representations from protein language models"
Kamil Kaminski, Jan Ludwiczak, Vikram Alva, and Stanislaw Dunin-Horkawicz
If you have any questions, problems or suggestions, please contact us.
This work was supported by the First TEAM program of the Foundation for Polish Science co-financed by the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund.