- Open the terminal and navigate to the root directory.
- Run the following command: "go run ."
- Wait for the program to download the required packages. This might take a few minutes based on your internet speed.
- Once the message "HTTPS(!)Server Starting on port 7000..." appears in the terminal, the packages have downloaded.
- Open your browser and navigate to https://localhost:7000/ to access the forum.
For testing purposes, a method to wipe the database, including accounts and most pictures (except the logo), is provided. Run the following command: this is done by running "go run . new" A new database will be created during the initialization process.
- Registration
- View posts, likes/dislikes, categories, and comments.
- Register an account to:
- Like/dislike posts and comments.
- Access your posts and liked posts via your username in the top left of the screen.
- Realtime Chat by clicking on a user from the list on the left (need to log in to 2 different users, 1 per browser)
- JS
- Node.JS
- Sessions and cookies
- Communication between a frontend and a backend server
- Golang
- HTML and CSS
- HTTPS security certificates and keys