Set of utility scripts in python to manipulate PDB files
Manipulating PDB files is a pain. Libraries like Biopython exist but sometimes all that is needed is a quick and dirty manipulation to the structure, such as extracting chains, renumbering, etc..
These scripts are the descendant of a set of old FORTRAN77 programs in use in our lab at Utrecht that had the particular advantage of being used with 'pipes' (e.g. cat mypdb.pdb | program_x). FORTRAN77 is a pain too, so I rewrote the scripts in Python.
pdb_chain / pdb_seg / pdb_b / pdb_occ
Set the chain/segment/b-factor/occupancy fields to a particular string. Chains are restricted to 1 character, segments to four, b-factor and occupancy are floats.
pdb_reres / pdb_reatom
Renumber the PDB file either on a residue basis or on an atom basis.
pdb_selchain / pdb_selseg
Extract a portion of the PDB file that matches a particular chain/segment identifier
pdb_chainxseg / pdb_segxchain
Swap the chain/segment identifier. Restricts the segment identifier to the first character to comply with PDB format.
Compares the atoms of two PDB files and keeps only those common to both structures. Useful for RMSD calculations.
- Python 2.5+ (not tested, might work on earlier versions)
# Renumber structure from 1 to n
cat 1CTF.pdb | -1
# Extract chain A from PDB file
cat 1brs.pdb | -A
./ -A 1brs.pdb
# Combine extraction and renumbering
./ -D 1brs.pdb | ./pdb_reres -1