Circuitpython for the featherS2 boards used in ECS modules
simpleLED - onboard blue LED
rgbled - onboard RGB led
memfree - shows space in flash/ram
myled - simpler class for rgb
test-myled - tests above
testadc-plot - simple adc channel reads
adc-light - do something with onboard light sensor
QWIIC Sensors:
Other features:
deep-sleep - use alarm to deep sleep and cold-wake
Wifi and networking:
trywifi - link to wifi (using
wificonnect - keeps wifi on in case it drops
wifi-http-get - fetch data from the web
mqtt-sender - send message to a broker
openweather - shows how to get data from weather API
Code for linux/win10:
mqttlisten - listener for mqtt messages
mqttsend1 - send a message to broker