Tool for initial processing of APK / XAPK / DEX / JAR / WAR applications.
- Search for strings in source code and resources that look like URIs, paths, or secrets
- Generate raw HTTP requests and OpenAPI specifications based on config files, class and method annotations
- Supported client libraries
- Supported server libraries
java -jar bfscan.jar <jar_war_apk> <...> [-m <mode>] [-ma <minifiedAnnotationsSupport>] [-r <mappingFile>] [-s <searchString>] [-u <url>] [-v <verbose>]
-m <mode> Mode ([a]ll, [s]ecrets, [h]ttp), default: all
-ma <minifiedAnnotationsSupport> Minified or unknown annotations support (yes, no), default: yes
-r <mappingFile> Deobfuscation mapping file
-s <searchString> Search string
-u <url> API base url (http://localhost/api/)
-v <verbose> Log level (off, error, warn, info, debug, trace)
java -jar bfscan.jar test/*.apk -u https://example.tld/api/
For this class using Spring annotations, the following results will be generated.
public class UserController {
public String create(@RequestParam Optional<String> someParamName, @RequestBody User user) {
return "response";
Method: com.mycompany.springbootexample.UserController->create
- Spring Method
POST /api/createUser?someParamName=value HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/json
"name": "name",
"age": 1
If you are analyzing an application that uses a supported library, but its code is obfuscated, you can create a mapping file to replace the class names.
To do this, you can manually use the "Rename" function in the decompiled code in the jadx-gui, and then save the generated mapping file (File > Save mappings). Or use an example mapping file for Retrofit and modify it according to your application.
Example of analyzing an application with renaming classes using a mapping file.
java -jar BFScan.jar ./tests/example.apk -r ./tests/mapping.txt
This project uses:
- jadx - Apache License 2.0