Closed Aug 12, 2023
100% complete
- Cases page with verdict and case history
- Dashboard page with juror coherence score computation
- Migration to Viem, Wagmi, WalletConnect v2
- Removal of all hard coded data
- PNK faucet integration
- Dispute preview
- Acknowledgment popups
- Arbitrable cross-chain discovery and migration to the new interface
- Subgraph
- Keeper bot
- Dispute relayer bot
- B…
- Cases page with verdict and case history
- Dashboard page with juror coherence score computation
- Migration to Viem, Wagmi, WalletConnect v2
- Removal of all hard coded data
- PNK faucet integration
- Dispute preview
- Acknowledgment popups
- Arbitrable cross-chain discovery and migration to the new interface
- Subgraph
- Keeper bot
- Dispute relayer bot
- Bots dockerization
- Storage migration to Filebase/IPFS
Smart Contracts
- Dispute fee payment in ERC-20 on the home chain
- Sortition Modularity
- Dispute template registry
- DisputeResolver and ArbitrableExample contracts migrated to the new interfaces
- Randomizer.ai VRF RNG
- Migration to Vea's official devnet
- Update to Solidity v0.8.18
- Dispute template as a new arbitrable interfaces, successor of the ERC-1497 evidence standard.
- Local stack
- Multi-deployment support: testnet and devnet
This milestone is closed.
No open issues remain. View closed issues or see open milestones in this repository.