Snakemake pipeline used to recover Angiosperms 353 genes from public, unannotated, assemblies.
Make a text file of assemblies accession IDs, one by line, and name it AssembliesID_ls.txt
Use the following code to download and process the sequences into a fasta file
while read accession; do
echo $accession
./datasets download assembly $accession --filename $
unzip $ -d $accession
cat $accession/ncbi_dataset/data/*/*.fna > in_fasta/$accession.fasta
seqkit stats -j $ncpu in_fasta/$accession.fasta
rm -r $accession
rm $
makeblastdb -in in_fasta/$accession.fasta -dbtype nucl -parse_seqids
done < AssembliesID_ls.txt
Run the pipeline with the following command, which will use the same list of samples as above.
Note it can be run outside a batch script directly with
snakemake --keep-going --cluster "sbatch -p medium --mem 60000 -N 1 --cpus-per-task 16 -J Assemblies" --jobs 10