Sparkbadges is a tool for create longitudinal status sparklines for your projects. For example:
The sparkline SVGs you create can then be implemented in a badge using a tool such as google/pybadges:
Sparkbadges was heavily influenced and inspired by google/pybadges and the aesthetics of the project.
usage: sparkbadge [-h] [-u UEP] [-t TIMEFRAME] [-m {commits,issues}] [-s SOURCE] [-d DIR]
Generate sparklines for your status badge.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u UEP, --uep UEP The ID or URL-encoded path of the project.
The timeframe to create sparklines over, inclusive. Format (start year to end year) is "YYYY-YYYY". An example input would be "
--timeframe 2017-2020". Currently only years are supported.
-m {commits,issues}, --metrics {commits,issues}
The sparkline to use.
-s SOURCE, --source SOURCE
The source forge (i.e. github or gitlab).
-d DIR, --dir DIR The directory to store sparkbadges. Default is .sparkbadge/
Our goal is to have a completely platform-independent way to create sparklines for your status badges.
Check out the project outline for a detailed roadmap of planned features.
Create longitudinal sparklines, and easily integrate them with status badges.
# Example: commits sparkline (year-to-day)
$ python -m sparkbadge -u klauefer/sparkbadge -m commits
# Outputs a base64-encoded image
>>> ...
# Pipe the base64-encoded image to pybadges
$ python -m sparkbadge -u klauefer/sparkbadge -m commits \
| xargs -I {} python -m pybadges --right-image "{}"
One of the biggest draws of sparkbadge is its ability to integrate right into your project. Simply run sparkbadge init
inside a git repository to get started.
$ sparkbadge init
# Creates a .sparkbadge hidden directory with spark.yml config file inside
# See the next section for editing spark.yml
$ ls .sparkbadge
>>> spark.yml
# Also generates a post-commit action workflow
$ ls .github/workflows/sparkbadge.yml
The action workflow sparkbadge.yml
runs on every push and adds the most up-to-date metrics to your project.
The spark.yml
file is used to standardize data across multiple sources. It "describes" where the desired metrics can be found in each API.
If there is hosting service or metric that you feel is missing, no problem! Simply edit the to spark.yml
Documentation on editing spark.yml
can be found here.
Remove later, for testing purposes only!