Forked SHEF from soureceforge ( Forked Modified SHEF from
- HTML Source Editor with Syntax Highlighting
- Context sensitive Swing Actions
- Unlimited Undo/Redo
- Table creation and editing
- Click+Drag Resizable Tables
- Click+Drag Resizable Images
- Easily embeddable in Swing Applications or Applets
- All the basic features you'd expect in an HTML Editing Component
A Demo is provided in the package. Here's a screenshot:
- Forked the modified version from VEDAGroup which had some fixes to SHEF
- Allow hiding of the html tab/view, because the end user may not want to see markup
- Added button to Image Attributes dialog to allow browsing for image files on disk
- Updated hotkeys for menu items for specific OS (i.e. CTRL for Win, CMD for Mac)
- Added icons and other cosmetic changes
- Font combo box now displays WYSIWYG fonts
- Directly paste images from system clipboard
This fork maintains the original license:
GNU Lesser General Public License 2.1
- original SHEF - Swing HTML Editor Framework
- an alternative SHEF fork by VEDAGroup