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Updated Personalized Textual Shoutout Overlay for Twitch (PTSO)

PTSO Twitch (Alpha V0.3)

In Rewrite due to Twitch IRC Deprecation

A Localized and Self-Hosted Twitch Shoutout Overlay system for Twitch Streamers, with personalized streamer-tailored text about a specified streamer via ADMIN section. Overlay trigger is accessible to Twitch Moderators and Channel Streamer only. Using the new Twitch Helix API system.


  • A LocalHost system running (LAMP/WAMP Stack)
    • A MySQL Database is REQUIRED to be used correctly!
  • NodeJS (MacOS use Homebrew!) & NodeJS Package Manager
    • Specifically For npm run setup
  • OBS Studio (Will work with StreamLabs [BUT Not Recommended])
    • Ensure Twitch Account is connected and linked!

Example usage:

  • MAMP
    • If utilizing MAMP, ensure MAMP's Document Root folder calling a folder above this system (eg: DocRootFolder/ptso-twitch/)
    • If utilizing XAMPP, ensure the ptso-twitch folder is stored in the htdocs folder inside XAMPP.

PTSO Dependencies 🤝

❗️ First Time Running

Twitch API Setup

Login to Twitch Dev and get your Client ID & Client Secret after creating your own Localhost Application

Database Setup

In your respective Localhost system. Create a MySQL database, preferably named streamers with the following names:

  • twitchID as an PRIMARY KEY INT not Autocrementing
  • streamerName as an TEXT thats NOT NULL
  • streamerDetails as an TEXT thats NOT NULL
  • streamerColor as an TEXT thats NOT NULL

Terminals/Command Prompt

  1. Run npm update on a Command Prompt/Terminal to start up dependencies
    • Must be done to link/update internal dependencies
  2. Run the npm run setup command...
    • ❗️Note: There maybe a scenario that you will need to rerun npm run setup at different times, to reset correctly.

Notes when using 📝

  1. ❗️ Please ensure to clear OBS Browser cache BEFORE & AFTER streaming for safety, especially for the Admin Page
  2. To have unique lines for a streamer, start up the localhost server and checkout the Admin page on a browser to add unique statements about them.
    • Required for the PHP DB File to run correctly

OBS Overlay Setup

🚨Ensure that a localhost system is running, otherwise it will not work

Head over to /ptso-twitch/admin on your browser running the localhost system and head to the Browser Overlay URL Generator Tab

❗Recommended OBS Browser Dimension Sizes❗

  • Width: 800
  • Height: 350

🛠️ Future Updates to Fix

Task Critcality
SO.html: Single Line Carousel during activation CRITICAL FEATURE
⭐️ Admin: Twitch API Integration Complete
⭐️ System: Use Twitch ID instead as a reference system due to potential username changes over time Completed
Admin: Automatic Front-end Saving Pushed to ExpressJS Update
📌Admin: Proper Database Calling via MongoDB/MySQL/SQLite MySQL Integration done | SQLite Usage in feature/expressJSRewrite
Admin/System?: User Customization under request of some Twitch Streamers (eg: Box Color, Font Family, etc...) In progress
⭐️ System: ExpressJS environment Starting Soon under feature/expressJSRewrite


Personal Textual Shoutout Overlay for Twitch






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