This code has been tested on Python 3. Required packages can be found in requirements.txt
Assuming horizonal eye trace is in eye_x and vertical eye_trace is in eye_y:
- Fs: sampling frequency
- eye_x_t: horizontal eye trace timestamps
- eye_y_t: vertical eye trace timestamps
from OculoPy import SaccadeDetector
new_session = SaccadeDetector(HE = eye_x, t_HE = eye_x_t, VE = eye_y, t_VE = eye_y_t, eye_fs = Fs)
After a successful run the indices for detected saccades can be accessed through following class variables:
new_session.saccade_onsets: saccade onset indices
new_session.saccade_offsets: saccade offset indices
new_session.saccade_onset_times: saccade onset times
new_session.saccade_offset_times: saccade offset times