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Python package interfacing with deepmd, dpdata, lammps, and other materials machine learning software to streamline ML potential development workflows.

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DeeperMD Package

Go through the walkthrough_example jupyter notebook for a step-by-step walkthrough of the deepermd package capabilities.

This package builds on the features provided in the Machine learning interatomic potential (MLIP) development package, DeepMD, streamlining the data preparation, model training, and model validation. By interfacing with dpdata (data preparation package), LAMMPS (molecular dynamics software), and deepmd (MLIP software), the DeeperMD package cleans up the model development process. New functionalities like hyperparameter optimization are included in the package to optimize model parameters.

Data Preparation Sub-Package

Separated into two modules: process_data and gen_cval_data

This subpackage reads in DFT data (currently only OUTCARs supported), and processes them for use in ML-based potentials.


converts OUTCARs to .npy via dpdata package, separating data into training and validation directories based on a defined training split proportion.

NOTE This package requires the below directory tree structure for the unprocessed data:

An option is available for the inclusion of sub_dirs if multiple parent_dir are present. In this case, the parent_dir would be the parent of the sub_dirs.


converts OUTCARs from given parent_directory to DeepMD MultiSystem() object for storage of systems and data management.


parent_dir (str):

path to parent directory to all raw data

sub_dirs (list, optional):

potential existence of subdirs within parent (see Requirements in NOTE). Defaults to [''].

run_types (list, optional):

run types within parent to include in data. Defaults to ['all'].

flags (list, optional):

flags indicating OUTCAR selection, must be file in OUTCAR folder. Defaults to ['OUTCAR'].


Finds missing numbers given sub_list and max value of full_list


sub_list (list)):

subset of list full_list (int): max value of full list to compare against sub_list



list of values in (0,full_list} that are not in sub_list


scrubs destination dir for .npy files and splits into train-test sets


destination_dir (str):

path to destination directory to write training and validation folders.

train_split (float,optional):

proportion of data to reserve for training. Defaults to 0.9.

ms_virial (MultiSystem()):

MultiSystem() object containing systems with virials.

ms (MultiSystem()):

MultiSystem() object containing systems without virials.

NOTE : requires that .npy are already in destination dir tree


reads in data from OUTCAR output from VASP and converts to .npy files in training and validation folders.


parent_dir (str):

path to parent directory to all raw data

destination_dir (str):

path to destination directory to write training and validation folders

sub_dirs (list, optional):

potential existence of subdirs within parent (see Notes). Defaults to [''].

run_types (list, optional):

run types within parent to include in data. Defaults to ['all'].

flags (list, optional):

flags indicating OUTCAR selection, must be file in OUTCAR folder. Defaults to ['OUTCAR'].

train_split (float, optional):

proportion of data to reserve for training. Defaults to 0.9.



given parent directory does not exist


This sub-module splits training and validation data into k-sets for use in k-fold cross-validation. This is a mostly back-end package for use in hyperparameter optimization data preparation.


Generates directory of data split evenly and randomly into k folds.


split full_list into k random subsets


full_list (list):

full list to be sliced into k subsets

k (int):

number of subsets to slice full_list into



dictionary with k keys pointing to k subsets of full_list

Training Model Sub-Package

Training sub-package, functions are separated into three modules:,, and

train module includes a single function, 'train.' This function is used to train neural network models.


Function responsible for model training.


input_script (json file):

Input json that features required neural network parameters. File is in dictionary format and should follow the structure outlined by the DeepMD package.

directory (str):

Directory where function should be executed in, this directory should contain the input_script file.

hyperparam_train_test module features a collection functions that areused for neural nework hyperparameter optimization. Functionality includesgenerating input json files for hyperparameter grid search, model training, model testing (energy error metric), and model evaluation via moleculardynamics simulations using the LAMMPS software. These main features canbe used independently or in tandem with one another via a wrapped function included at the end of the file. Outside of the main functionality described here, there are additional functions included/developed for more seamless development


Function generates a log file, used for logging purposes as functions run.


file_name (str):

Desired file name where log messages should be appended.


For effective cross validation, validation sets must be substituted in and out of system training folders. This function aims to retain the folder structure DeepMD requires for model training by moving specified sets (validation sets) to their respective system validation folders. To use this function the data must have been prepared using the data_prep module.


path_to_cval (str):

Path to where data generated using gen_cval_data function is.

switch_set_index (int):

Index of set list, this index will be set to the validation set.


This function moves all files within systems train and valid foldersback to their respective system folders within the all_data folder produced via the data_prep module.


path_to_cval (str):

Path to where data generated using gen_cval_data function is.


Function evaluates whether provided key to modify exists in base_json.


base_json (json file):

Base json that will be modified with keys/values set by the user.

key_list (list):

List of key to check within the base_json file.


Function modifies base json with key value pair specified by the user.


base_json (json file):

Base json that will be modified with keys/values set by the user.

key_list (list):

List of key to check within the base_json file.

value (list, numeric):

Value/values to be changed.


Function will modify a base json file with values specified by the user in the provided param_dict dictionary. Function will create directories to store these json files.


base_json (json file):

Base json file to be modified, all parameters to be modified must be present in this json. Parameters that will not be optimized, such as parameters with only value/set of values to be tested, should have this value/set of values set in the base json.

param_dict (dict):

Dictionary with parameters to be modified. Should be one dictionary, NO NESTED dictionaries. Dictionary keys should be strings of space separated keys. Values should be lists.

path_to_cval (str):

Path to data.

gen_cval_data (bool):

Whether data was generated using gen_cval_data function within the data_prep module. If True training and validation paths will be made by appending "train" and "valid" to the provided path_to_cval path, making the training and validation paths, respectively. path_to_cval must be provided if cval set to True.

crossval (bool):

Whether cross validation sub directories and jsons should be made.

d1_dir (str):

Name of 1-dimensional gridsearch directory. This directory is where all jsons and models will be stored. Sub directories pertaining to each parameter and their various values will be made to store individual jsons and files.


This function trains models using input json files that were created in order to perform a 1d hyperparameter optimization/evaluation study.

There are options for model compression and cross-validation.


directory (str):

Parent directory, where script will be run.

d1_dir (str):

directory name for 1d gridsearch.

path_to_cval (str or None):

Path to data generated via gen_cval_data function. Must use gen_cval_data function if crossval is to be used.

compression (Bool, optional):

Whether models will be compressed. The default is False. If using type embedding set to False.

crossval (Bool, optional):

Whether cross-validation will be employed. The default is True. Only use if cross-validation sets were generated.

frozen_model (str, optional):

Name of frozen model. The default is 'graph.pb'.

compressed_model (str, optional):

Name of compressed model. The default is 'graph_compress.pb'.


This function evaluates trained models predictive performance by measuring their RMSE on validation data. The error metrics are written to a text file.


directory (str):

Directory where script that executes this function is.

d1_dir (str):

Name of directory where generated jsons are. Must match directory name argument used in train and json_dir_gen_1d functions.

param_dict (dict):

Dictionary of parameter values used to generate jsons.

test_model (str):

Name of model to be tested, must have .pb extension.

n (int):

Number of data points to test from test data.

multisystem (bool):

Whether multiple systems were used during model training and hence whether multiple systems should be tested.

test_path (str):

Path to test data. The default is None.

crossval (bool):

Whether cross validation was employed. The default is True.


Function will evaluate trained models ability to predict lattice constants and cohesive energies.


directory (str):

Directory where script that calls this function is (current working directory).

d1_dir (str):

Name of directory where generated jsons are. Must match directory name argument used in train and json_dir_gen_1d functions.

lammps_script (lammps input file):

LAMMPS script to be run.

ref_len (float):

Reference lattice constant, should be in Angstroms.

ref_coh (float):

Reference cohesive energy, should be in eV/atom.

crossval (bool):

Whether crossvalidation was employed in model training. The default is None.


This function wraps the following functions together: - hyperparam_train_test.json_dir_gen_1d - hyperparam_train_test.hyperparam_train - hyperparam_train_test.hyperparam_test - post_training_handling.lammps_lat_const_modifier - hyperparam_train_test.hyperparam_lammps

This function goal is to generate json and model directories corresponding to a user specified parameter dictionary.

Models will be trained based on json, frozen, compressed (if desired), tested, and their lattice constants and cohesive energies evaluated via LAMMPS simulations (if desired).


directory (str):

Directory where script is located.

base_json (json file):

Base json to be modified.

param_dict (dict):

Dictionary of parameters and their values.

n (int):

Number of data points to use when testing trained models.

test_model (str: model with .pb extension):

Name of model to be tested.

d1_dir (str):

Name of parent directory where generated jsons will be stored. The default is '1d_gridsearch'.

frozen_model (str):

Desired name of frozen model, must have .pb extension. The default is 'graph.pb'.

compression (bool):

Whether to compress model following model trainingand freezing. Compression cannot be enabled if 'type_embedding' is used. The default is True.

compressed_model (str):

Name of compressed model, must have .pb extension. The default is 'graph-compress.pb'.

path_to_cval (str):

Path to date made via gen_cval_data. The default is None.

gen_cval_data (bool):

Whether data was made with gen_cval_data function. The default is None.

crossval (bool):

Whether cross validation should be employed. The default is False.

training_path (str):

Path to training data. Should be supplied if gen_cval_data is False. The default is None.

validation_path (str):

Path to validation data. Must be provided if gen_cval_data is False. The default is None.

test_path (str):

Path to testing data. If gen_cval_data is True and path_to_cval input is valid, then the validation set will be used and this argument can be set to None. However, if both of these conditions are not satisfied and traing_path and validation_patharguments are supplied, thetest_pathmust be provided. The default isNone`.

multisystems (bool):

Whether models were trained with multisystem data. The default is False.

lammps (bool):

Whether to perform lammps simulations on developed models. The default is False.

lammps_model (str):

model to be written in lammps input file, must have .pb extension.

lammps_data (str):

data for lammps simulation.

units (str):

Units to condict lammps simulation with. String will be written in lammps input script. The default is 'metal'.

boundary (str):

boundary conditions for lammps simulation. The default is 'p p p'.

lammps_script (.in file):

Name of lammps input file. Full path should be provided. Argument must be provided if 'lammps' argument equals True. The default is None.

ref_len (float):

Reference lattice constant, should be in Angstroms. The default is None.

ref_coh (float):

Reference cohesive energy, should be in eV/atom. The default is None.

post_training_handling module features a collection of functionsuseful for post training model handling. Functionality includesmodel freezing, model compression, model testing, execution ofLAMMPS simulations using trained models, and LAMMPS script modification.


Function freezes trained models for later compression (if not using type embedding) and other testing (e.g. dp test, lattice constants).


directory (str):

path to model directory.

frozen_model_name (str):

desired name of frozen model, must have .pb extension.


Function compresses the frozen model. Models that employ 'type_embedding' during model training cannot be compressed.


directory (str):

Path to directory of frozen model.

frozen_model (str):

Name of frozen model, the default is 'graph.pb'.

compressed_model (str):

Name of compressed model, the default is 'graph-compress.pb'.


Function evaluates the predictive performance of the frozen and/or compressed model.


directory (str):

Path to model directory.

model (str):

Name of model to be tested.

test_data (str):

Path to test data.

n (int):

Number of data points to test from test data.

results (str):

Name of results file(s) head, will have 'e.out', 'f.out', and 'v.out' appended.

multisystem (bool):

Specify whether multiple systems will be evaluated.


This function modifies the lammps input script for latticeconstant evaluation. All parameters should be modified for the system of interest.


model (str):

Path to model for LAMMPS simulation. Should be .pb file.

data (str):

Material data file to be read in LAMMPS simulation.

lammps_script (str):

Full path toLAMMPS input script to be modified. The default is 'in.lattice_constants'.

units (str):

Unit type to be used in LAMMPS simulation. The default is 'metal'.

boundary (str):

Boundary conditions for LAMMPS simulation. The default is 'p p p'.


Function will calculate the lattice constant and cohesive energy of a structure.


lammps_script (LAMMPS input script):

LAMMPS input script. Should have correct potential and correct material structure in script.

directory (str):

Working directory for LAMMPS simulation to be performed in.

ref_len (float):

Reference lattice constant, in angstroms..

ref_coh (flot)

Reference cohesive energy. Should be in eV/atom.


Python package interfacing with deepmd, dpdata, lammps, and other materials machine learning software to streamline ML potential development workflows.






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