Project Rory is an innovative RC car powered by artificial intelligence, capable of interpreting and responding to hand gestures. This project combines hardware engineering with advanced software techniques to create a unique interactive experience.
See a more detailed breakdown here
- Arduino UNO: The microcontroller of the RC car.
- Adafruit Motor Shield (HAT): Used for driving up to 4 DC motors. (Hardware Attached on Top HAT)
- HC-06 Bluetooth Module: Facilitates wireless communication between the car and the PC.
- Motors: The car is equipped with four motors for movement.
- Chassis
- Dupont wires/ nuts & bolts, wheels etc
Hardware parts interconnection
- OpenCV: For processing the live video feed.
- MediaPipe: Creates landmarks on hand objects for gesture recognition.
- PySerial: Communication Interface: Allows for command transmission from the PC to the RC car.
- Conda: A managed Python environment running Python v3.9.16
- Arduino IDE: An IDE to upload and interface with the Arduino while programming and testing.
OpenCV captures a live video feed from the webcam capture object.
Using MediaPipe, the system identifies hand landmark coordinates that are used to classify the gestures into predefined categories.
The commands are serially sent over the Bluetooth Port and received by the Arduino that executes the commands received.
Upon receiving commands over the UART ports via Bluetooth, the pre-defined motor directions are executed. Direction is achieved by varying or manaining similar speeds across all motors producing a "tank" like movement.
Setup: Ensure all hardware components are correctly connected and powered. Software Installation: Install the necessary libraries and software on your PC. Bluetooth Pairing: Pair the HC-06 module with your PC. Running the Program: Execute the software to start the live video feed and gesture recognition.
Load the arduino code onto the arduino. Run the python file on your pc and face the webcam Vary your hand gestures to show left, right, foward and stop
Foward - Open palm with fingers pointing up Right - Open palf with fingers pointing right Left - Open palm with fingers pointing left Stop - Closed fist
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See here.
Thanks to all contributors (in no particular order) who have helped in developing Project Rory.
Special thanks to the open-source communities of Arduino, Adafruit, OpenCV, and MediaPipe.