Sample application how to use Wildfly with Websockets and Stomp
This creates the STOMP acceptor on port 61614
params={[name=protocols, key=STOMP]})
The application needs a queue, a topic and a datasource.
Docker images can be built by executing
mvn -Pdocker clean install
The application can be packaged as a bootable JAR for Wildfly in Docker with
mvn -Pwildfly-jar clean install
The CLI scripts for this version are located at
This versions requires an external ActiveMQ Artemis broker which is configured by environment variables:
ACTIVEMQ_SERVER (default activemq-artemis)
ACTIVEMQ_PORT (default 61616)
ACTIVEMQ_USER (default artemis)
ACTIVEMQ_PASSWORD (default artemis)
is located in src/main/docker/stomp-test
The DDL scripts are available for PostgreSQL.
RPM package can be built by executing
mvn -Prpm clean package
are located in folder etc/k8s
. The scripts for the certificates require cfssl
In Wildfly the OpenAPI spec can be loaded under the /openapi
Swagger-UI is located under the application root URL /stomp-test-v1.8/swagger-ui