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This repository was archived by the owner on Sep 30, 2024. It is now read-only.


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Kiesraad Rust PDF generation

This repository has been archived. The proof of concept has been integrated into Abacus.

A Proof of Concept application that generates a PDF given a model consisting of a Typst template and some JSON input.

Copyright © 2024 Kiesraad. Licensed under the EUPL-1.2 or later.



Typst template development can be done in several ways. Via the typst-cli, The online Typst editor, or via this Rust program.

Here is an example command for running the Model O 7 template:

$ cargo watch -x "run -- model-o-7 templates/inputs/model-o-7.json"

This will restart the program every time it detects a change in the source or template files. Since in development the template files are not stored in the binary, recompilation is not needed when only the template files are changed, which will speed up the restart time of the program.

To develop Typst in your editor of choice, there is a Typst language server available and a Tree-sitter grammar.


When using the Rust application, the fonts will be available via the binary and no further configuration will be needed. For the CLI, you need to point to the fonts folder via typst compile --font-path path/to/font

Input data

The data used to render the templates should be provided in JSON format. When the provided JSON is in the wrong format, serde-json will throw an error. When introducing a new field, you should add it to the according PdfModel enum variant, so it will be type-checked.


This Proof of Concept tries to make installation as easy as possible by embedding all assets in the binary. When running or building in release mode with cargo build --release, all Typst files and fonts are embedded into the binary and used from memory when running the application.