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Vagrantfile & Chef cookbooks for PHP application

This Vagrant environment uses Chef-Solo to install all necessary software and deploy PHP application.

Software versions:

  • Ubuntu Trusty 14.04 (32 bit)
  • NGINX (last version from NGINX PPA)
  • PHP 5.6 (from ondrej PPA)
  • Memcached (from Ubuntu default repository)
  • MySQL 5.5 (from Ubuntu default repository)
  • PostgreSQL 9.3 (from PostgreSQL PPA)


You must install Vagrant, VirtualBox and few vagrant plugins:

$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-librarian-chef-nochef vagrant-omnibus

How to start

Checkout project from VCS:

$ git clone <repo> <project_root>

Copy ".chef/Vagrantfile" to project root and start VM:

$ cd <project_root>
$ cp .chef/Vagrantfile Vagrantfile
$ vagrant up

Also you can add records to your local hosts-file (sites should point to ip from Vagrantfile).

How to integrate your project with this environment

If you already have existent project, then you must checkout it from VCS:

$ git clone <repo> <project_root>

If you want to create new project (for example, with "composer create-project"), then you must create project root manually:

$ mkdir <project_root>

Copy ".chef" folder to project root and modify ".chef/nodes/" and ".chef/Vagrantfile" accordingly to your needs. Add row "/Vagrantfile" in ".gitignore" file of your project.

Copy ".chef/Vagrantfile" to project root and start VM:

$ cd <project_root>
$ cp .chef/Vagrantfile Vagrantfile
$ vagrant up

If you are creating new project, then you must login on VM over SSH (see "SSH access"), install new project with Composer and download it from VM:

$ composer create-project --prefer-dist yiisoft/yii2-app-basic /home/php-app/www

Also you can add records to your local hosts-file (sites should point to ip from Vagrantfile).

If all works fine you can commit project code in new or existent repository.

SSH access

You can login on VM over SSH with these ways:

  • As administrator: $ vagrant ssh
  • As application user: $ ssh [email protected] -i ".chef/files/id_rsa"

"/.chef" folder contents

  • files/ - folder for storing files for recipe "php-app" (these files are accessible inside VM by path "/tmp/.chef/files/...");
  • nodes/ - folder for VM settings;
  • cookbooks/ - external cookbooks downloaded by "librarian-chef" (created automatically);
  • site-cookbooks/ - internal cookbooks for project;
  • tmp/ - temporary folder (created automatically);
  • Cheffile - cookbooks dependencies for "librarian-chef";
  • solo.rb - configuration file for Chef-Solo;
  • Vagrantfile - default template for Vagrantfile.

There are some example json-files in ".chef/nodes" folder for Yii2 applications:

  • yii2_advanced.json - params for application based on advanced Yii2 template;
  • yii2_basic.json - params for application based on basic Yii2 template.

Main cookbook "php-app" (in ".chef/site-cookbooks") installs software and deploys project code. It does following:

  • Create user for application (params ["php-app"]["user"] and ["php-app"]["group"]);
  • Create folders (params ["php-app"]["project_dir"] and ["php-app"]["log_dir"]);
  • Create php-fpm pools for running application (param ["php-app"]["php"]["pools"]);
  • Create Nginx virtual hosts (param ["php-app"]["vhosts"]);
  • Add hosts to VM hosts file (param ["php-app"]["hosts"]);
  • Create databases (params ["php-app"]["mysql"] and ["php-app"]["pgsql"]);
  • Checkout project code from VCS (if necessary, see "Project code location");
  • Install Composer and project dependencies (param ["php-app"]["composer"]);
  • Execute custom init commands (param ["php-app"]["init_commands"]).

This recipe can be expanded during project development.

If you use Composer in your project, then you should set param ["php-app"]["composer"]["github_auth_token"], to increase Github API limits. You can get this token in your Github profile.

Project code location

You can set project folder with param ["php-app"]["project_dir"]. Usually you need to ajust param ["php-app"]["vhosts"]["variables"]["root"] accordingly.

There are two ways to locate project code:

  • Project code is located inside shared folder (for example, in "/vagrant");
  • Project code is located outside shared folder (for example, in "/home/php-app/www").

There is no need to sync project files between VM and local machine when code is located in shared folder. But there are some disadvantages:

  • All files in shared folder share the same permissions ("777" by default);
  • Filenames in shared folder are case-insensitive (with local machine under Windows);
  • To create symlinks in shared folder you need to run Vagrant with administrator permissions (with local machine under Windows);
  • Slow disk operations inside shared folder in VM (with local machine under Linux, can be resolved by using NFS).

If project code is located outside shared folder (for example, in "/home/user/www") it is more close to real work environment, but also has some disadvantages:

  • Developer must always keep files in sync between VM and local machine (and change VCS branches in two places too);
  • Git local commits will not be accessible inside VM.

You should set param ["php-app"]["git"]["repository"] if project code is located outside shared folder. It allows to checkout project code during vagrant provision. Also you should provide access to this repository for a key from ["php-app"]["ssh"]["deployment_key"].

If you are using PhpStorm or IDEA then you can add deployment server to keep files in sync (button "Add" in "File - Settings - Deployment"). Use these settings (it depends on settings in json-file):

  • Type: SFTP
  • SFTP host:
  • Port: 22
  • Root path: /home/php-app/www
  • User name: php-app
  • Auth type: Key pair (OpenSSH)
  • Private key file: local_project_root/.chef/files/id_rsa
  • Passphrase:
  • Web server root URL: demo.local
  • Deployment path on server: /
  • Web path on server: /

Then you should mark this server as default (button "Use as Default" in "File - Settings - Deployment") and change param "Upload changed files automatically to the default server" to "Always" or "On explicit save action" in "File - Settings - Deployment - Options".

MySQL configuration

Cookbook "mysql" is used for configuraton of MySQL server (key "mysql" in json-file).

You must set administrator credentials in param ["php-app"]["mysql"]["root_connection"].
These credentials will be used to create databases. You can set administrator password in param ["mysql"]["server_root_password"].

To create database(s) for your application you should set param ["php-app"]["mysql"]["databases"]:

    "php-app": [
        "mysql": {
            "root_connection": { "host": "", "username": "root", "password": "" },
            "databases": [
                {"name": "yii2advanced", "username": "root", "password": "", "encoding": "utf8", "collation": "utf8_general_ci"},
                {"name": "yii2_advanced_tests", "username": "root", "password": "", "encoding": "utf8", "collation": "utf8_general_ci"}

PosgtreSQL configuration

Cookbook "postgresql" is used for configuraton of PostgreSQL server (key "postgresql" in json-file).

You must set administrator credentials in param ["php-app"]["pgsql"]["root_connection"]. These credentials will be used to create databases and users. You can set administrator password in param ["postgresql"]["password"]["postgres"]. This password cannot be empty.

To create database(s) for your application you should set param ["php-app"]["pgsql"]["databases"]:

    "php-app": [
        "pgsql": {
            "root_connection": { "host": "", "username": "postgres", "password": "password" },
            "databases": [
                {"name": "yii2advanced", "username": "yii2advanced", "password": "", "encoding": "UTF8", "collation": "en_US.UTF-8"},
                {"name": "yii2_advanced_tests", "username": "yii2advanced", "password": "", "encoding": "UTF8", "collation": "en_US.UTF-8"}

Remote debug with Xdebug (using PhpStorm or IDEA)

To debug application inside VM you need to add PHP server (button "Add" in "File - Settings - PHP - Servers") with the following settings:

  • Name: demo.local
  • Host: demo.local
  • Port: 80
  • Debugger: Xdebug
  • Use path mappings: On (project folder in VM must correspond to ["php-app"]["project_dir"] in json-file)

Then you need to create configuration with type "PHP Web application" (in "Run - Edit configurations") using created PHP server.


Vagrantfile & Chef cookbooks for PHP application







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