Angular Seed version of selmanh's fantastic form-builder (more info about his directive can be found on his page)
(Make sure you've included these scripts before including ngform-builder)
- angular - obviously
- angular-bootstrap - angularjs directives for bootstrap
- bootstrap-css - just the bootstrap css
- lodash - great library for functional programming
- ui-sortable - angular-ui directives for draggable objects
- form-builder: [form] - a json form object to edit using the form builder
- form-directive: [showForm] - a json form object to render
- field-directive: [field] - a json field object to render
In your js:
angular.module('main', ['ngform-builder'])
.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.testForm = {
"form_type": "system",
"form_name": "my_form",
"form_title": "My Form",
"form_submitText": "Submit Me",
"form_cancelText": "Cancel Me",
"form_questions": [
"field_id": 1,
"field_name": "question_1_textfield",
"field_title": "New textfield field 1",
"field_type": "textfield",
"field_value": "",
"field_placeholder": "Enter a textfield value",
"field_validation": {
"rule": "none",
"expression": ""
"field_helpertext": "missing input or invalid",
"field_hasOptions": false,
"field_required": true
In your html:
<body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
<form-builder form="testForm"></form-builder>
To run unit tests: npm test
To run e2e tests: run grunt
to start server then run npm run protractor
To generate a production js and minified js, simply run grunt build
and these files will be created for you in the dist