L is a simple imperative programming language which supports basic statements:
- Variable assignment:
<name> := <expr>
if a > b then { write a; b := a } else { write b; a := b }
That generally is
if <expr> then { <trueBody> } else { <falseBody> }
while x > 10 do { write x; x := x - 1 }
That generally is
while <expr> do { <body> }
-- no-op commandWrite <expr>
andRead <variable name>
commands- Functions:
- where declaration
def <name>(<arg1>, <arg2>,...) { <body> }
ordef <name>(<arg1>, <arg2>,...) { <body>} return <expr>
- and call is
<name>(arg1, arg2,...)
is an expression. Call also supported in expressions:x := 2 + sum(2, 3)
- where declaration
Expressions support variable access, function calls and several binary operations
such: +, -, *, /, %, >, >=, ==, !=, <=, <, &&, ||
Factorial function:
def f(x) { ans := 1; while (x > 0) do { ans := ans * x; x := x - 1 } } return ans
Recursive Fibonacci numbers:
def fib(x) { ans := 1; if (x < 2) then { skip } else { ans := fib(x - 1) + fib(x - 2) } } return ans
If you run the application without arguments, you will get a REPL mode.
If flag -i <FILE>
is passed, a file will be interpreted. Additionally, you can provide --liveness-optimization
to enable liveness optimization and provide starting variables and its values.
We wrote a static analyzer with liveness optimization that eliminate dead code. It could make code faster in situations when we compute unused in future code. E.g. in this code we have unnecessary infinity loop:
write 1
def f() { x := 0; while 1 do { x := x + 1} } return 1
def g() { x := f() }
This will be optimized into
write 1
def f() { x := 0; while 1 do { x := x + 1} } return 1
def g() { }
That is in common not used for optimization, but used for error analysis and highlighting.