This is my app for Myriad Mobile's iOS Internship Challenge - Summer 2015.
This project uses CocoaPods, run pod install
to install necessary pods and open the Be a Hero.xcworkspace
- Xcode 6.2
- iOS 8.2
Once upon a time, a brave hero could simply go to a town center to discover a list of quests with which to feed himself. Unfortunately, as with all things, as the world becomes more complicated, the life of a hero becomes more difficult and busy. Today, it is a heroic quest to simply even find the town center. We have been tasked with simplifying this process.
As a potential Mobile Master, your duty is to construct a solution for this terrible injustice in the form of a 21st century Quest-Board. Here, damsels in distress, kings under siege, and townsfolk threatened by dangerous beasts will make their quests available to all the great heroes of the world. By connecting heroes with quest-givers, you will not only improve the lives of citizens in our great kingdom, but also the lives of heroes whom we rely upon.
All screens support both portrait and landscape orientation (using Auto Layout).
Allows user to enter name and email.
- Both fields are required.
- Email is validated before posting to API.
- Email and name is saved to NSUserDefaults.
- HTTP Post request is performed to API with the submitted data.
Displays Kingdom info in a list.
- Kindom information is fetched by sending an HTTP Get request to API.
- Kingdom name and image is displayed in the list.
- Log Out removes user's name and email from NSUserDefaults and navigates back to the Login Screen.
Displays all the detail information about selected Kingdom.
- Kingdom details are fetched by sending an HTTP Get request to API.
- Displays Kingdom name, image, population, and climate.
- Displays all available quests in this Kingdom with info about their givers.