Backend Capstone for Thinkful
- Front end Repo:
- Deployed App:
- Built API conforming to RESTful standards
- Utilized common middleware packages
- Provided access to relevant information through route and query parameters
- Used PostgreSQL to store data
- Handled error for nonexistant routes
- Customized knexfile.js file for staging
- Used Knex.js to write database queries for handling CRUD operations in an Express server
- Utilized joined and nested data with Knex.js
- Wrote database migrations using Knex.js's migration tool
- Deployed to Heroku
- Node.js
- Express.js
- PostgreSQL
- Knex.js
- GET /movies
- GET /movies?is_showing=true
- GET /movies/:movieId
- GET /movies/:movieId/theaters
- GET /movies/:movied/reviews
- GET /theaters
- PUT/DELETE /reviews/:reviewId