a set of linq extensions for Java to ease list query and manipulation
You can add the LINQ Maven project to your NetBeans and add it as a dependency to your Maven project
// a mock class
public class Demo {
private String first;
public String second;
public Demo(String first, String second) {
this.first = first;
this.second = second;
// a second mock class
public class DemoAgain {
public String third;
public String fourth;
public DemoAgain(String third, String fourth) {
this.third = third;
this.fourth = fourth;
ArrayList<Demo> demos = new ArrayList<>();
demos.add(new Demo("a", "b"));
demos.add(new Demo("a1", "b1"));
demos.add(new Demo("a2", "b2"));
demos.add(new Demo("a", "b3"));
demos.add(new Demo("a", "b4"));
demos.add(new Demo("a", "b5"));
try {
// check if list has any item
boolean res1 = new Q<Demo>(demos).any();
// check if list has any object which its property "first" has a value of "a"
boolean res2 = new Q<Demo>(demos).any("first", "a");
// check if list has any object which its property "first" has a value of "a", then check if the result list from previous query with property "second" has value "b4"
boolean res3 = new Q<Demo>(demos).where("first", "a").where("second", "b4").any();
HashMap<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<>();
properties.put("first", "a");
properties.put("second", "b4");
// get items where it has property "first" = value "a", and property "second" = "b"
AbstractList<Demo> res4 = new Q<Demo>(demos).where(properties).toList();
// get items where a custom rule is applied via a callback
AbstractList<Demo> res5
= new Q<Demo>(demos).where(new QCompare<Demo>() {
public boolean is(Demo value) {
return value.second.contains("1");
// get items where it contains an object like the one supplied (equal in values, not in reference)
boolean res6 = new Q<Demo>(demos).contains(new Demo("a2", "b2"));
// get items where it has property "first" = value "a", and property "second" = "b"
boolean res8 = new Q<Demo>(demos).where("first", "a").contains(new Demo("a", "b4"));
// get all items where property "first" = "a", then get the last item
Demo res9 = new Q<Demo>(demos).where("first", "a").last();
// transform all items into another list of type DemoSecond
Q<DemoAgain> res10
= new Q<Demo>(demos).select(new QSelect<Demo, DemoAgain>() {
public DemoAgain select(Demo o) {
return new DemoAgain(o.first + " + new!!", o.second + " + new2!!");
} catch (ReflectionOperationException ex) {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
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TODO: Write history
TODO: Write credits
TODO: Write license