A credit card reader and parser for iOS Using Native Vision/VisionKit
- Hold camera up to a card and stay still until it gets recoginized and a picture gets taken.
- Hit Save, and the results should get processed.
var body: some View {
CardFormView(colors: [.green, .blue, .black], completion: { cardDetails in
print("Card Number:\n\(cardDetails.number ?? "")")
print("Expiry Date:\n\(cardDetails.expiryDate ?? "")")
print("Name:\n\(cardDetails.name ?? "")")
print("Name:\n\(cardDetails.cvcNumber ?? "")")
print("Card Type:\n\(cardDetails.type.rawValue)")
print("Card Industry:\n\(cardDetails.industry.rawValue)")
Add this code in your SwiftUI Main View underneath your main StackView/ScrollView/NavigationView:
.sheet(isPresented: $isShowingSheet) {
CardReaderView() { cardDetails in
self.cardDetails = cardDetails
Create two state variables to handle sheet presentation and to hold the card details result from the closure:
@State private var isShowingSheet = false
@State private var cardDetails: CardDetails?
Add the UI Presentation logic of the CardDetails however you see fit:
if let cardDetails = cardDetails {
Text("Card Number:\n\(cardDetails.number ?? "")")
Text("Expiry Date:\n\(cardDetails.expiryDate ?? "")")
Text("Name:\n\(cardDetails.name ?? "")")
Text("Card Type:\n\(cardDetails.type.rawValue)")
Text("Card Industry:\n\(cardDetails.industry.rawValue)")
Finally, present the CardReaderView by toggling the sheet (preferably from the closure of a button action):
Button { isShowingSheet.toggle() } label: { Text("Tap to Start Credit Card reading!") }
- I will continue to maintain this repo and keep adding new features.
- If you see a bug or have an idea for a new feature, please raise an issue or pull request :)
CardReader is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.