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84 lines (72 loc) · 3.18 KB

ACE Engine Documentation


ACE Engine uses these specialy crafted lumps to achieve code execution:

  • PNAMES single link to ACE_LDR0 fake patch
  • TEXTURE1 specialy crafted list of fake textures and multiple negative size allocations
  • ACE_LDR0 first stage of loader pretending to be doom graphics
  • ACE_LDR1 seconds stage of loader
  • ACE_CODE the engine itself

These lumps must not be overidden by any duplicates, otherwise doom2.exe will read incorrect content instead. Additionaly, TEXTURE2 lump must not exist!

Refer to textures for workaround.

NOTE: If you have issues with certain map editors you can, for development, split ACE Engine and your stuff into two different WAD files and merge those just before final release.


Expected lumps

ACE Engine adds new features that require custom graphics not present in doom2.wad.

  • A_LDING custom loading screen with empty progress bar
    • if not present, INTERPIC is used instead
  • A_LDBAR full progress bar of loading screen
    • width of this patch is used as 100% loading progress
    • use X and Y offset to position this patch to overlap progress bar in A_LDING
    • if not present, TITLEPIC is used instead
  • M_PCLASS menu title for player class selection
    • if not present, M_NGAME is used instead
  • M_DISPL menu title for display options
    • if not present, M_OPTION is used instead
  • M_CNTRL menu title for customize controls
    • if not present, M_OPTION is used instead
  • M_MOUSE menu title for mouse setup
    • if not present, M_OPTION is used instead
  • M_PLAYER menu title for player setup
    • if not present, M_OPTION is used instead
  • WILOADIN rendered on screen when loading level
    • optional
  • WIAUTOSV rendered on screen when autosaving
    • optional
  • ARTIBOX inventory background
    • if not present, STFB1 is used instead
  • SELECTBO inventory selection highlight
    • if not present, STFB0 is used instead
  • XHAIR custom, mod specific, crosshair
    • optional
    • ACE Engine contains a few built-in crosshairs
    • this will add one extra crosshair for players to select from
    • entire non-transparent area will be replaced with a single color
  • ACE_RNDR rendering tables, like transparency
    • optional but recommended
    • ACE Engine can calculate these tables, but calculation takes ages on 486 CPU
    • use command line option -dumptables to generate these tables to file which you can then import to your WAD
    • BEWARE: these tables depend on PLAYPAL everytime you change palette you must re-generate this lump!
  • ACE_RNG list of random numbers
    • optional, can enhance original randomization
    • contains list of 8bit values
    • maximum of 8192 bytes

For expected built-in sounds lumps refer to sndinfo.