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File metadata and controls

70 lines (47 loc) · 3.53 KB

Various quiks and features

ACE Engine is a hack for DOS Doom so i has various workrounds, speed optimizations and stuff.
Here are some recommended things and good tips.


ACE Engine can be used in IWAD! If used this way, users won't be presented with modified game warning.
IWAD othewise must have all lumps required by doom2.exe present. (except wall and flat textures)
The only important thing is to place ACE Engine lumps last in a wad file.

TIP: If you name your wad file doom2f.wad, it will take priority over normal IWAD.


Since palette color matching on 486 hardware is slow, some tables are better precalculated.
Now, ACE Engine can calculate those but it would take ages on old hardware. This is something you won't even notice in DosBox.

Main lump, ACE_RNDR, contains various transparency and color tables. This can be dumped to file using -dumptables command line parameter.
This will generate ACE_RNDR.LMP which you can the import to your WAD file.

Secondary lumps are various color and fog tables for sector light.
Everytime you use ColorSetter or FadeSetter up to two new tables are required.
These tables are generated by ACE Engine and can dumped using savelight command. Though, this has to be done for every level. This cheat code will create lump(s) with naming scheme like +0F0F0E0.LMP. Import all generated lumps to your WAD file.

You have to generate those tables verytime you change palette!
The best is to generate these tables last, just before releasing your WAD.

MAP format

ACE Engine supports Hexen map format. Use of this format is recommended as it allows you to use all new features.


Polyobjects are supported with these exceptions:

  • polyobject ID 0 can not be used
  • only Polyobj_StartLine can be used to define polyobject

3D floors

Yes, 3D floors are supported with some limitations. Thouh heavy use is not recommended as each visible 3D floor have performance hit on rendering.

  • only Y offset of control line is supported
    • always set X offset to zero
  • only types 1 2 and 3 are supported
    • type extra 4 16 and 32 are also supported
  • only flag 64 is supported
  • flag 512 is forced and can't be removed
    • this causes different behavior to ZDoom with FadeSetter
  • rendering limitation for masked textures (= textures with holes)
    • always make sure total Y offset is never negative

Colored light and sector fog

Use ColorSetter for colored sectors.
Use FadeSetter for sector fog.
If you use line special Sector_SetColor or Sector_SetFade in your map, this color or fade has to be already used in the map. Use dummy sectors with ColorSetter and FadeSetter.

Use only one ColorSetter and FadeSetter per sector! (one of each type)
ColorSetters and FadeSetters internaly do not exist! Giving those thing id for scripting has no effect!

Sector actions

ACE Engine supports two sector action things. Enter sector and exit sector.
Both actions support all four map flags.

Use only one one of each type per sector!
These things internaly do not exist! Giving those thing id for scripting has no effect!