Builds a Docker container version of the structurizr cli from the github://structurizr/cli repository
Assuming that you have docker installed on your workstation (it can be downloaded here)...
On Mac OS or your Linux Copy* docker/structurizr
to your execution path and make it executable.
Once installed, structurizr
works as if you followed the java based instructions with the exception that any of the files or directories that you reference must be found under your current working directory. If you look at the shell script, you will note that this is because your current working directory is mounted into the docker container.
Feel free to adapt the structurizr
script to your own needs; it is simple.
If you would like to build the image yourself
docker build --rm --build-arg CLI_VERSION=some-branch-tag -t myregistry/structurizr-cli -f docker/Dockerfile .
Then update structurizr
to myregistry