JavaScript library implementation of a queue with extra power
Using qulee is very simple. Just add the script tag with the relevant reference for qulee.js or qulee.min.js file.
Or if on Node just require the module as shown in the examples
I first found it useful to implement a situation where I wanted http calls (promises) to get executed in a synchronized fashion.
Using CDN:
<script src=""></script>
Using NPM:
npm install qulee --save
qulee.enqueue(item) - add an item to the queue.
qulee.dequeue() - extract an item from the queue.
qulee.clear() - clears the queue
qulee.size() - return queue size
qulee.current() - return the current/last dequeued object
qulee.archive() - archives the current/last dequeued object
qulee.lock() - locks the queue from enqueuing new objects
qulee.unlock() - un-locks the queue from enqueuing new objects
qulee.last() - returns the last object in the queue
qulee.createNamedQueue(name) - creates a new queue by name - for example you can
create a new queue named 'myQueue' and call it by
qulee.setAllowDuplicate(isAllowed) - set if to allowed to queue the same object more than once. default is false
qulee.executeOnQueue(callback,doDequeue) - execute the call back on each of the object in the queue (callback(obj)). If doDequeue is set to true, each object will be removed from queue (default is false)
qulee.onQueue(callback) - Add a call back to be executed on queue event
qulee.onDequeue(callback) - Add a call back to be executed on dequeue event
qulee.onDuplicate(callback) - Add a call back to be executed on queueing a duplicated event
qulee.onLock(callback) - Add a call back to be executed when trying to queue an object when the queue is locked
Simple example:
var qulee = require('qulee');
qulee.enqueue('Hello ');
qulee.enqueue('World ');
while (qulee.dequeue()){
// will output:
// Hello
// World
// !
Execute callback on each item in queue:
var qulee = require('qulee');
qulee.enqueue({ value: 1 });
qulee.enqueue({ value: 2 });
qulee.enqueue({ value: 3 });
item.value *= 2; // multiply each value by 2
while (qulee.dequeue()){
// output: 2 4 6