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eggDriver for C#

eggDriver is a library used to communicate with eggPlant Functional in "drive" mode (called eggDrive). It is intended to be used as-is, but you may modify it as you see fit.


You must start an eggDrive session before performing additional actions, and only one session may be active at a time. The OverridePreviousSession property (default=true) will control whether or not the previous session (if it exists) should be overridden.

using TestPlant.EggDriver;

// Default eggDrive URL: http://localhost:5400
var eggDriver = new EggDriver();

Console.WriteLine ("Starting first session...");
eggDriver.StartSession ();

try {
    Console.WriteLine ("Starting another session without overriding...");
    eggDriver.OverridePreviousSession = false;
    eggDriver.StartSession ();
} catch (EggDriveException e) {
    Console.WriteLine ("Failed to start another session, as expected");

Console.WriteLine ("Starting another session with overriding...");
eggDriver.OverridePreviousSession = true;
eggDriver.StartSession ();

Console.WriteLine ("Ending session...");
eggDriver.EndSession ();

Performing Built-In Actions

eggDriver supports a number of built-in actions.

using TestPlant.EggDriver;
using PropertyList = System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, object>;

// Simple SenseTalk expressions
object EvaluateExpression (object expression);

// Logging
public void Log (string s);
public void LogExpression (object expression);
public void LogError (string s);
public void LogErrorExpression (object expression);

// SUT connections
public void ConnectToSUT (
	string serverID,
	int? portNum = null,
	EggplantConnectionType? type = null,
	string username = null,
	string password = null,
	string sshHost = null,
	string sshUser = null,
	string sshPassword = null,
	bool? visible = null,
	int? colorDepth = null);
public PropertyList ConnectionInfo (string connectionName = null);

// Remote screen dimensions
public Size RemoteScreenSize ();
public Point RemoteScreenCenter ();

// Pointer events
public void Click (Point point);
public void Click (string imageName, double? searchTimeoutSeconds = null);
public void ClickText (string text, PropertyList options = null);
public void DoubleClick (Point point);
public void DoubleClick (string imageName, double? searchTimeoutSeconds = null);
public void DoubleClickText (string text, PropertyList options = null);
public void RightClick (Point point);
public void RightClick (string imageName, double? searchTimeoutSeconds = null);
public void RightClickText (string text, PropertyList options = null);
public void MoveTo (Point point);
public void MoveTo (string imageName, double? searchTimeoutSeconds = null);
public void MoveToText (string text, PropertyList options = null);

// Gestures
public void Tap (Point point);
public void Tap (string imageName, double? searchTimeoutSeconds = null);
public void TapText (string text, PropertyList options = null);
public void SwipeLeft ();
public void SwipeLeft (Point point);
public void SwipeLeft (string imageName);
public void SwipeLeftText (string imageName, PropertyList options = null);
public void SwipeRight ();
public void SwipeRight (Point point);
public void SwipeRight (string imageName);
public void SwipeRightText (string imageName, PropertyList options = null);
public void SwipeDown ();
public void SwipeDown (Point point);
public void SwipeDown (string imageName);
public void SwipeDownText (string imageName, PropertyList options = null);
public void SwipeUp ();
public void SwipeUp (Point point);
public void SwipeUp (string imageName);
public void SwipeUpText (string imageName, PropertyList options = null);
public void PinchOut (
	double? durationSeconds = null, 
	int? distance = null);
public void PinchOut (
	Point atPoint, 
	double? durationSeconds = null,
	int? distance = null);
public void PinchOut (
	string atImageName, 
	double? durationSeconds = null,
	int? distance = null);
public void PinchOut (
	Point atPoint,
	Point toPoint,
	double? durationSeconds = null);
public void PinchOut (
	string atImageName,
	string toImageName,
	double? durationSeconds = null);
public void PinchIn (
	double? durationSeconds = null, 
	int? distance = null);
public void PinchIn (
	Point atPoint, 
	double? durationSeconds = null,
	int? distance = null);
public void PinchIn (
	string atImageName, 
	double? durationSeconds = null,
	int? distance = null);
public void PinchIn (
	Point atPoint,
	Point fromPoint,
	double? durationSeconds = null);
public void PinchIn (
	string atImageName,
	string fromImageName,
	double? durationSeconds = null);

// Image searching
public PropertyList ImageInfo (string imageName);
public PropertyList[] ImageInfo (string[] imageNames);
public void WaitFor (string imageName, double? searchTimeoutSeconds);
public void WaitFor (string[] imageNames, double? searchTimeoutSeconds);
public bool ImageFound (object imageNameOrNames, double? searchTimeoutSeconds = null);
public Point[] EveryImageLocation (string[] imageNames);

// SUT Text
public void TypeText (string s);
public void TypeExpression (object expression);
public string ReadText(Point point, PropertyList options = null);
public string ReadText(Rectangle rectangle, PropertyList options = null);
public string ReadText(string imageName, PropertyList options = null);
public string ReadText(string[] imageNames, PropertyList options = null);
public string RemoteClipboard(double? waitTimeoutSeconds = null);

// Mobile device control
public void LaunchApp (string appName);
public void LaunchApp (string deviceName, string appName);

Performing Custom Actions

If one of the built-in actions does not suffice, custom actions may be performed using eggPlant SenseTalk syntax. EggDriveXmlRpcConnector provides the basic execution functionality and EggDriver is a subclass of EggDriveXmlRpcConnector, so either one can be used to perform custom actions.

var rpcConnector = new EggDriveXmlRpcConnector();
EggDriveResponse response = rpcConnector.Execute ("put \"Hello from Eggplant!!!\"");
Console.WriteLine ("Output: " + response.Output);

While SenseTalk statements are strings that can be built manually, SenseTalkStatementBuilder can be used to generate statements more abstractly. You can also use its FormatObject static method to format standard objects and containers as well as System.Drawing.Point, System.Drawing.Rectangle, and System.Drawing.Size objects.

var statementBuilder = new SenseTalkStatementBuilder (

EggDriveResponse response = rpcConnector.Execute (statementBuilder.ToString ());

var propertyList = response.ReturnValueAsPropertyList ();
var senseTalkPropertyList = SenseTalkStatementBuilder.FormatObject (propertyList);
Console.WriteLine ("Return: " + senseTalkPropertyList);

Debugging eggDrive Calls

Setting the DebugEnabled property to true for EggDriveXmlRpcConnector (or EggDriver) will cause all eggDrive XML-RPC calls to be logged to the Console.

rpcConnector.DebugEnabled = true;


Control eggPlant Functional in drive mode from C#.







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