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.NET Objects

Kevin Zhao edited this page Jan 25, 2018 · 6 revisions

.NET Objects

.NET objects can be passed directly into Lua:

var list = new List<int>();
lua["list"] = list;

You can then use them transparently like normal .NET objects:

    c = list.Count");

Calling Generic Methods

You can call generic methods with the following syntax:

public class Test {
     public T Method<T>(T t);

lua["test"] = new Test();
lua.DoString("result = test:Method(Int32)(7)");

Accessing Indexed Properties

You can access indexed properties with the following syntax:

lua["list"] = new List<int>();
    function incfirst()
        local first = list.Item:Get(0)
        list.Item:Set(first + 1, 0)

This is rather cumbersome, however, because many collections rely on an indexed Item property. An elegant solution would involve using native Lua tables.

Accessing Events

You can access events with the signature (object, EventArgs) with the following syntax:

class Test {
    public event EventHandler Event;

lua["test"] = new Test();
lua.DoString("callback = function(obj, args) print(obj) end)");

This is highly unrecommended, however! You have no control over when the event is called. It could be called on a different thread, even, which would lead to disaster since Lua is not thread-safe.

Hiding Members

Members of a type can be hidden using the LuaIgnore attribute.