This is a Entity-Component-System framework, inspired by the Ash Framework
Thanks to the Haxe macro system we are able to reduce boilerplate code and allow some optimizations.
This is platform-agnostic, you can use it on any targets supported by Haxe (e.g. cpp, js, lua, etc)
This is also game-framework-agnostic, you can use it with any game frameworks such as Kha, OpenFL, Heaps, etc.
The "core" that manages everything
A container holding various components
Building blocks of an entity, contains attributes/properties but not any logics
Logics that operate on Components
A container holding an Entity and the Components of interest.
This is mostly for optimization, pre-fetching components from the entity so that we don't need to do so on every iteration.
A list of Nodes. The specialized TrackingNodeList
will keep track of entities together with their components and add/remove them from the list when appropriate.
import exp.ecs.*;
import exp.ecs.node.*;
import exp.ecs.entity.*;
import exp.ecs.system.*;
import component.*;
import haxe.Timer;
class Playground {
static function main() {
// create an engine
var engine = new Engine();
// create an entity and adds 2 components to it
var entity = new Entity();
entity.add(new Velocity(1, 0));
entity.add(new Position(0, 0));
// add entity to engine
// create and add 2 systems to engine MovementSystem()); RenderSystem()); CustomSystem());
// run the engine
new Timer(16).run = function() engine.update(16 / 1000);
// Use metadata `@:nodes` to create a TrackingNodeList that contains nodes of entities that contains the specified components
// NodeList created this way will be cached in the engine, i.e. multiple systems will share the same NodeList instance if their Node type is the same
class MovementSystem extends System {
// prepares a NodeList that contains entities having both the Position and Velocity components
@:nodes var nodes:Node<Position, Velocity>;
override function update(dt:Float) {
// on each update we iterate all the nodes and update their Position components
for(node in nodes) {
node.position.x += node.velocity.x * dt;
node.position.y += node.velocity.y * dt;
class RenderSystem extends System {
// prepares a NodeList that contains entities having the Position component
@:nodes var nodes:Node<Position>;
override function update(dt:Float) {
// on each update we iterate all the nodes and print out their positions on screen
for(node in nodes) {
trace('${node.entity} @ ${node.position.x}, ${node.position.y}');
// Besides using `@:nodes`, you can also create a NodeList manually
class CustomSystem extends System {
var nodes:NodeList<CustomNode>;
override function update(dt:Float) {
for(node in nodes) {
$type(node); // CustomNode
override function onAdded(engine) {
nodes = new TrackingNodeList(engine,, entity -> entity.has(Position));
override function onRemoved(engine) {
nodes = null;
// Manually declare a Node type
class CustomNode implements NodeBase {
public var entity(default, null):Entity;
public function new(entity) this.entity = entity;